Chapter 28- Men...

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The next morning I woke up bright and early. I stretched my arms and looked over to a shirtless Blake, who had his arm wrapped around my waist. I sat up to grab my phone on the nightstand. I dialed Anabel's number and waited a moment,
until she picked up.

"What," she answered.

"Goodmorning to you too," I replied happily.

"Explain to me why you're up this early, calling me this early, sounding so happy, this early."

"I don't know."

"Bitçh bye."

"No don't hang up, I just wanted to tell you I've reached a home safely."

"A home?"


"And whose home would that be Tessa?" She questioned.

"A male."



"Blake who?"

"Blake the male, whose house I stayed at last night."

"What is Blake the male, whose house you stayed at last night, last name ?"


"Oh my gosh," she sighed. "Tessa!" She yelled into the phone.


"Aww Tessa! I knew you'd come around! I'll buy the pregnancy test around noon."

"Eww Anabel noo!! Aren't you forgetting what he did to me four and a half years ago?! Something like that I can't just forget and let go. I've lost all feelings towards him, and I'd be going crazy if I got them back. I'd never be intimate with him in a million years."

"Mhmmm. See you in a million years then. I'm going to the doctors today with Todd. Stay the night later?"

"Can't, classes."

"But you can stay in bed with Blake Hope?"

"Oh shyt! I totally forgot! I need to get home soon!"

"Soon? Why not now?"

"I can't with you."

"Meet me at Olive Garden by Brookville at 8."

"K." I hung up the phone.

I put my phone down and rested my eyes in deep thought.

An hour later, I felt Blake shift so I opened my eyes.

"Morning," he said. I gave him a slight smile in return.

"I haven't slept that long in ages. This is the first time I'm not going to work today in four years. Wanna do something today?"

"Actually I should really get going. I'm a day behind in my studies, and I need to get back on track."

"You and this college shyt," he mumbled to himself. "Okay then. You could just keep the shirt and get your stuff together,"he said.

I hopped off the bed, and gathered my stuff. He went to the bathroom to take a shower in the meantime. After he finished, he stood by the door waiting for me. Once I was done, I followed Blake to his garage. I went to sit the the passenger's seat and he took driver's.

He began driving towards the highway that led to the different towns of California. "Downtown Silloh," I reminded him. After a good hour of driving and precise directions, I was at my apartment.

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