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"Are you ready?" Alison asks from the other side of the door. I quickly put my curled brown hair into place and opened the door. We best friends smile at each other when we see that we're kinda matching. I wear white skinny jeans with a black crop top and black heels and Alison wears black skinny jeans with a white crop top and the same black heels. "Ready." I say smiling.

I quickly take my mini black purse, that is only big enough to fit my phone and money, and turn all the lights off. I lock the door behind me while Alison knocks on Ethan's door. He opens up and shows us his outfit. Black pants and a grey shirt with black shoes. He spins around, proudly smiling. "I'm ready." He says and closes the door behind him.

He locks his apartment door and then follows me and Ally to the elevator. Apparently we're not the only one who planned on going clubbing. Outside of the building are many other students, styled and ready to dance all night. "Let's go have dinner first." Ethan suggests.

We girls don't have a problem with that and follow him to Ally's car. She's the only one of us who has a car - Ethan and I only have our license. We twins don't really know any good place to eat or a club, but Alison does. We first eat dinner at a restaurant. While Ethan and Ally eat salad and drink water, I eat chicken with mash potato and drink coke. We talk as we eat and as always I'm the one finishes last. "Should I get dessert?" I ask and pick up the menu.

"How the heck can you eat so much?" Ally asks and I shrug.

I forwent dessert after thinking about it for 3 minutes. We pay and then leave. When we sit in the car again, Ally gives Ethan directions and he drives off. "Are you going to drink?" I ask my brother.

"Don't think so." He says and turns right. "I'm not in the mood, to be honest." Ethan explains.

We arrive in front of a club only a couple of minutes later. Ethan parks and we get out of the Ally's black vehicle. Ally and I leave our bags in the car with our phone and only take money with us. Ethan takes his phone and money with him and stuffs it into the pocket of his jeans. "Do you think we'll see any cute guys?" I ask Ally smirking as we close the doors.

"I hope." She says as we walk to the entrance. A long line is already waiting to get in.

"Hey Olivia!" Someone shouts when we walk pass the entrance door. We turn around and see the guy from Starbucks. Surprised that he still knows my name and that he's working as a doorman, I walk up to him. "Adam, right?" I ask smiling. He smiles back nodding.

We friendly hug each other and when we pull apart I introduce him to Ethan and Ally. "Nice to meet you guys." He says. "Do want to get in?" We nod.

"Can you let us in?" I ask him and bite my lower lip. Is that flirting?, my inner voice asks. I have never been good in flirting. I mean, I didn't even know if I was really flirting or not. The thing is, I never really wanted to flirt. I wanted friendships and no relationship.

"Of course." He says and lets us step into the club. "I'll find you later, okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, thanks." I say and follow Ally and Ethan further into the club. I run my fingers through my hair when we get to the bar. "Go sit. I order." Ethan tells us. We girls nod and search for an empty table.

"Over there." Ally says and point over to where a group of people just leave. We walk over, trying to not touch people, and sit down. Minutes later Ethan comes with one beer for me, one cocktail for Ally and one red bull cola for himself. My twin is in a dance mood and after he finishes his drink he immediately goes to the dance floor. Ally mimics him but before she goes she asks me, "Are you coming?"

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