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It's not just the winter weather alone, it's the fact that he might be gone that makes me feel so cold. It's the fact that he chooses to go out clubbing with other girls, instead of coming to me and spend time with me. It's the fact that even though I'm his girlfriend I didn't see him as much in the last two weeks as that girl did. It's the fact that they were just spotted together, without anyone else, just the two of them. And just thinking about them, makes me shiver.

Nothing can warm me up. It started when I woke up this morning and my feet and hands were cold. As the day progresses, the coldness spread around my whole body. Not even the hot shower that I took, when I came home after my exams, helped. Not even the thick sweater and sweat pants that I'm wearing help. And not even the four blankets over me warm my body up. I'm cold, everywhere. My room probably feels like a sauna to Alison.

"Do you need another blanket?" My best friend asks and I shake my head, knowing that it won't help anyway. Nothing can warm him... maybe Niall, but he's not here. Who knows if he'll ever come. After the video, I sent him yesterday, I don't even know what we are. Am I still his girlfriend? Was the video a break up message? Did he even see it? I'm too afraid to turn my phone back on. I'm afraid to hear what he has to say and I don't even know why. I don't even know if he's even trying to say something. And how could I? My phone is off since I woke up this morning.

I look at Alison who stares into her books, which reminds me that I should go back to studying, instead of thinking about Niall. That only goes well for a minute before my mind starts to connect everything with Niall again. I need to get my mind off him and that girl. I need to focus on my exams... but I can't. It's a wonder that I managed today's exams even though I was freezing. I shiver yet again, thinking about Niall and that girl. I don't even know her name and she has spend more time with my boyfriend than I did.

Maybe he has his reasons. Maybe they are just friends. Maybe the others were already inside. Maybe she's one of his mate's friends. Maybe she already has a boyfriend. Maybe she is related to him. Maybe she's not interested. Maybe they are just friends. So many options... they don't have to be interested in each other right? They could be just friends... right? All this is in my head, when I should concentrate on school. This is not fair to me. I shouldn't worry about it. Niall shouldn't give me anything to worry about, but he does.

All I want is him. To be honest, if he comes in now and tells me a very very good reason why he and that girl went clubbing instead of him being with me, I may forgive him. I just want him. All I ever want is him to be with me, to hold to tight, to warm me up, to hug me, to kiss me, to protect me. I want him to tell me that everything will be fine. I want him to distract me from my exams. I just want him to be here.

"You can go if you want." I tell my best friend. She already looked at her watch a several times while I was thinking about Niall and that I shouldn't think of him.

"No, it's fine. I'm just waiting for Shawn to bring us hot chocolate." She smirks. It knocks on the door and jumps up from my desk chair. I close my eyes just to rest them for a couple of seconds.

"Niall...!" Alison exclaims unexpectedly. My heart skips a beat and I decide to act like I'm sleeping. "What are you doing here?" She asks and I already know that she's pissed at him for going clubbing with that girl.

"Is Olive here?" Niall wants to know. His voice gives me a warm feeling but isn't enough to fully warm me up. I shiver again.

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