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"Do you think someone already saw us together? And like put pictures on twitter?" I ask Niall after I finished my seconds cheeseburger.

"Probably. Why are you asking?" He smiles and takes a sip of his coke. I shrug and continue eating french fries. "Why? Don't you want to be seen with me?" He takes fries from me as if we don't have two more big portions in the McDonalds bag. Only now I realize how much we actually got. Four drink, two for each of us; four cheeseburgers; four big portions of french fries; and a chicken box from KFC.

"Honest answer... No. It's just that...," I take a sip of my coke. "You know, your famous and the press is going to assume that we have something going on. And because you have a girlfriend, they might think your cheating on her, you know." I explain. He blinks a couple of times but doesn't say anything, so I continue. "Besides that, I just want to be a normal uni student and I don't want to get hate by some of your fans. And Niall, I know how... I guess, hateful they can be." I tell him, not mentioning the fact that I sometimes find myself being one of those hateful ones. Even though, I wasn't following every step the boys made in the past, I was still checking their Instagram and relationships status once in a while. And yes, I have to admit that I got jealous. But I am only human. Niall has always been my celebrity crush, I just never really acknowledged it.

"Ohhh... I guess we just have to work our way around that then." He smiles and takes fries from me again.

"Niall James Horan we've got plenty of that in there! Fucking don't take mine!" I laugh and give him the paper bag with french fries inside. He laughs and rolls his eyes at me.

We finish eating and continue to talk about random things. When I finished, I neatly put the trasch in the paper bags. Niall still has french fries and I take a few of them.

"Ey!" He grabs my wrist and puts a fake angry face on.

"Sharing is caring." I smirk. He lets my wrist go and I eat the french fries while my eyes are glued to Niall. I watch him smile and eat the last bits and I giggle. I blink for a second when when I open my eyes again, Niall smiles at me and at the same time he's kinda confused.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Nothing... I'm just happy." I admit and blush. It is silent for a couple of seconds until Niall raises his voice.

"So, KFC is better, right?" He smirks and I shake my head. "Yes it is!" He exclaims.
"KFC is great for chicken but french fries wise is McDonalds better and they have great cheeseburgers." I smiles and lean back.

"Just because of the french fries." Niall rolls his eyes and we start to laugh.

"Ey! Don't say anything wrong 'bout my french fries! They're my week spot, my babies." I tell him and silently wish we had more.

"Does this mean with french fries, I could make you mine?" He asks and something about the look in his face makes me wonder if it was a joke or serious. Or was that his attempt to flirt?

"You've got a girlfriend." I remind him as well as I remind myself. Exactly that moment his phone starts to ring and it's no other than his girlfriend herself, Valerie. Niall looks at me as if he wants my permission and I give him that. "Go ahead, pick up." I smile as genuine as possible. We had a nice time together but at the end of everything, he still got a girlfriend. I can't change that fact, let alone tell him to ignore her call.
Niall smiles but that fades away as they start to talk. It's sounds more like he's answering questions on a quiz show. "Yes... No... Maybe... I don't know... No... Yes... No..." He sound like my dad when he does a business call, kinda cold and emotionless. Either that or I interpret his emotions completely wrong. "Okay... Bye." With that he ends is call. I smile at him and his face is just straight. He didn't say I love you, my mind whispers in my ear. It can't be that good of a relationship.

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