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I try to keep my laugh in but it's nearly impossible. Niall looks from me to David and back to me. The little three year old has the same hair color as me and green eyes like Ethan. He's like the perfect mix between us twins even though he's not even related to us.

"Is everything alright, Niall?" I smirk at him and bite my lip to hold my laughter in.

"Is-is he... Olivia, he's... your son?" Niall's eyes are wide open and I'm not sure if it was a clear statement or a question. I don't answer and he steps away from me. With each second it becomes more hilarious to me but then I start to feel sorry for him. I can't hold it inside anyway and burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Niall ask and takes a step closer to me. He's confused and tries to figure it out but he can't and he gets even more confused. His eyes look lost and are wide open.

"He's just the neighbors' son, love." I tell him and put David down. He runs over to my mother who picks him up. Niall and I watch them leave the living room before I wrap my arms around his torso. "You look like you just have seen a ghost." I tease him and run my fingers through his unmade but somehow still perfect hair. He rolls his eyes at me and holds me tighter.

"You think you're funny, don't you?" He raises his eyebrows and his face turns to it's normal color again. I nod and kiss his cheek.

"Would it have been a problem for you if I already had a child?" I want to know. He looked so shocked and surprised when I joked about David being my son. It was hilarious.

"No. I mean... it's just that..." There he starts again with my most hated phrase that no one ever finishes. It's just that...It's just what?

"What?" I feel like Niall knows that if he won't finish his sentence, I'll be mad at him. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath, leans in and whisper something that makes us both blush.

"I just want to be your first."

Niall makes a mini step away from me and awkwardly smiles down to his socks. I chuckle, take his hand and lead him to the kitchen. Mr.McAllister stands at the stove and cooks us dinner while mum plays with David. Only then I notice that David could be my and Ethan's brother. I shake that thought out of my head because there's no way. David is the son of our neighbors who moved in a year ago. I sit down on a chair across from mum and Niall steps behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Why is David here?" I want to know and look from mum to Mr. McAllister.

"His parents are on a date." Mum explains and starts to talk to David. "You're parents are away, aren't they? Now you're with us! Isn't that great?" She puts on a higher pitched voice and ends of with a question. Typical mum talking to a toddle, I think and smile at them.

One day I'll be a mum talking to my toddler and maybe their father is in the same room as I am right now. Maybe.

I look up at Niall who's eyes sparkle as he looks at the little boy. When Mr. McAllister puts a big bowl filled with pasta in front of us, I look away from Niall and watch Mr. McAllister takes plates out of the cabinet and putting them on the table. Mum sits David down on the chair next to her and serves the food while Niall fills out glasses with ice tea. I watch David and play peek-a-boo with him until Niall sits down next to me. The little three year old giggles as Mum and Mr.McAllister sit down. We start to eat and it's quiet, only David giggling and talking few words is hearable.

"Where's Ethan?" I break the silent between us – I guess – grown ups.

"He's out with the boys." Mum explains. "Did you talk to him today?" She raises one eyebrow at me. Apparently she hasn't noticed that Niall and I spend the whole day in my room and that we took nearly every snack up with us. 

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