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I seriously can get used to that. Waking up next to Niall, watching him sleep and playing with his chest hair. I know that once the boys get back on tour, I won't be able to wake up next to him. That's why every morning is important. Niall looks so peacefully, with is hair down and messy. I wish that I could wake up to him every morning.

"Good morning." He smiles. His Irish accent in thick, his voice is deep and tired.

"Good morning. " I kiss his chin and sit up.

"Pancakes?" He asks and I nod.

"Pancakes." I agree and get out of bed. I get ready in his bathroom and find spare toothbrushes in a drawer. After brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a pony tail, I get out of the bathroom again. Niall isn't in his bed anymore. I take my bag, dress and pumps and leave his bedroom. Before I go into his kitchen, I put my things on the couch and look around the scenery again. It looks beautiful, even now with the lights off. But who's going to clean this up?, I ask myself when I feel Niall's strong arms around my waist. He kisses my neck and then rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Where should I put the rose pedals and the candles?" I want to know form him.

"What?" he asks confused. "You don't have to clean up, gorgeous." He insures me but I really really want to clean up this and actually his whole place even though it looks neat anyways.

"Where I should I put them, Niall?" I ask and step away from him.

"You don't---"

"I want to. I really do." I cut him off. He rolls his eyes and gives in. Niall quickly runs back to the kitchen and comes with a plastic bag. "Thank you." I smirk. Niall shakes his head on me and then resumes back to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I don't know why I feel the strong desire to clean up everything. I probably will get my period soon, I think and collet the white rose pedals. It goes pretty fast since I push everything to a pile before I put it into the plastic bag. Much quicker than picking each one up. When the floor is clean and all the candles stand in one corner, I go his bedroom and make his bed. As soon as I open all the curtains in his room, lights streams in. I take the empty bowl from last night and the empty bottle and carry them to the kitchen. Niall just finished making the pancakes and makes himself some coffee. I put the bowl in the sink, the bottle into the bin and then sit down on his kitchen island next to the stove. Niall puts some chocolate sirup on the stack of pancakes and then steps between my legs. He puts the plate down beside me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"What's he plan for today?" Niall wants to know. If I could choose, I would stay right here in his arms, but I can't choose.

"My mum is flying in today. She'll spend the weekend here." I tell him and puts my hands behind his neck.

"Does she know about us?" Niall and I shake my head. He seems hurt and looks down.

"I hadn't had the chance yet." I explain and cup his face. "I'll tell her today." I smile and kiss his nose. "Do your parents now about us?" I ask him and he nods. My heart warms up.

"Since when?" I want to know.

"Since the day I met you. I knew that I want to make you mine and I did. They really want to meet you as soon as possible." Niall smirks and grabs a fork and a knife. He cuts the pancakes into pieces and feeds me one piece. I nod approving.

"When is as soon as possible?" I ask after I swallow.

"Next week." Niall says but it sound morel like a question. "Next week is 1D day and my mum will fly to Los Angeles and we'll meet her there... if you want to come with me?" He smiles shy. Secretly I have been waiting for the invitation since the day I heard about 1D Day.

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