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He takes a remote control out of his jeans pockets and turns something on. My flat lights up. All around the room are fairy lights and white roses. I slowly turn around and count 10 vases filled with white roses. A tear rolls down my cheek but I don't give it any attention. All my attention belongs to is my flat. On every wall are fairy lights.

"You said that want fairy lights in your room, but don't have time to but some. So I bought some." Niall smirks. I cover my mouth with my hands and take deep breaths. He remembers such a small thing that I told him months ago. "You like?"

"No, I love it." I tell him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you so much Niall. Not just because of this. Because of everything you do for me. Thank you."

"Only the best for my princess." He grins. I attach my lips to his and we kiss passionately.

"You're such an idiot. MY idiot." I smile and wrap my arms around his torso. I rest my head on his chest as he puts his arms around my shoulders. He holds me tightly and rests his chin on my head.

"You're all mine now." He smirks. "Finally." He whispers and kisses my head.

"I love white roses." I smile and step away from him. I go to my desk where six vases are and then to the kitchen counters where two are and then to my nightstand where one is, just to see them closer. It's the most beautiful thing someone has even done to me. I literally roll over my bed to get the last vase. Niall laughs and comes right over to me.

"This is the most amazing someone has even done to me, Niall. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I could say 'thank you' a million more times but he shuts me off by kissing me. "Thank you." I whisper against his lips as I put my arms around his neck. "Thank you." I say as he put his arms around my waist.

"Shhh." He smirks. We stand there, kissing in my beautiful light up flat. "I love you." Niall smiles when we pull apart.

"I love you, Niall." I bite my lip and then my phone starts to ring. Niall goes over to my desk chair, where my bag is and takes my phone out.

"Who is it?" I want to know as he walks back to me.

"Alison." He smiles. I sit down on my bed and he sits down across from me. I pick up and hold the phone to my ear. Niall takes my free hand in his and strokes it with his fingers. My heart is already pounding fast, but now it starts to race just by his touch. Alison has already started to talk put I didn't pay attention to her.

"OLIVIA!!" She exclaims and tears me out the trance I have been in because of Niall. He smirks knowing that he took all my attention.

"Sorry, Ally." I apologize and stand up. "What did you say?" I ask and walk few steps away from Niall.

"I said Hi and then I asked you how you are but you didn't respond. What is Niall doing that takes all our attention?" She laughs. I blush and turn away from Niall. As I look out of the window, I try to find an answer that won't sound cheesy. I know that she'll laugh, just like I laughed when she told me about cheesy things that Shawn did for her. We both share the same kind of humour. Ally and I laugh at everything if we're in the right mood. The unfunniest things become funny when we're together.

I sigh. "Everything.

"Everything huh?" She laughs and I just have to laugh too.

"Yeah just like everything about Shawn takes your attention." I roll my eyes.

"So did you like the candles and the roses and the fairy lights?" She asks and I imagine her smirking.

"Yes, you did a great job telling Niall what I like." I laugh.

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