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It is a simple "Hey, it's Niall :)" and my heart instantly starts to race again. Isn't there a rule that says not to call the girl before 3 days? I'm sure I saw it on telly or something. But does text go with that rule too?

I stare at the text and think about my reply. It should be short, simple, kinda cute, not intrusive and maybe a bit funny. Why do you think so hard about it? It's just a text!, yells the annoying voice in my head. I roll my eyes, take a beep breath and after typing maybe different replies and deleting them, at the end I send : "Hey, it's Olivia ;)"

As soon as I press send, I regret it. A winky face? Seriously?! I shut my eyes, embarrassed by myself and stuff a whole cookie into my mouth. I wait for his reply and just stare at my phone screen.
I hate being like this. Waiting for a boy to text me back. I should do something else and not care. At the end it's just a text... Right? It makes me feel uncomfortable and weak waiting here. The next seconds and minutes are torture. I'm the most impatient person on this world and even though only seconds have passed by, it feels like hours. I read his message and then mine over and over again. What if he thinks I am flirting now? , my eyes widen at that thought. That winky face was definitely a huge mistake. Why does it take him to long to reply? He's probably too busy doing more important stuff. Four minutes since I texted him back. Fine! Fuck it! I don't care!, I think and throw my phone on my bed. I stuff another cookie in my mouth and cross my arms in front of my chest. Fine! He doesn't have to answer anyway! I'm strong. I don't have to wait for his reply... Right? My own thoughts are killing me. I let out a groan and lay my head down on my desk. "I hate him." I decided even though it might be the biggest lie I ever said out loud. I look back to my phone and than shake my head repeatedly. No! Stop! Don't be that kind of girl who waits all the day or night long! I tell myself in my head but it doesn't help. How do others survive a torture like this? How can someone wait so long? It's just Niall. Yeah he's in One Direction, the biggest boyband on earth, but that actually doesn't really affect me. At the end of the day, he's just Niall. When did I became one if those who waits? I have never felt as impatient as I am now. Never. I guess before I was the one who took so long to text back. But only because I never knew what to write. I groan one more time and then my phone buzzes. Instantly I push the chair back and jump on my bed. My phones doesn't stop to buzz. HE's CALLING YOU!!! I realize and take a deep breath before picking up.

"Hey." His voice immediately gives me a warm feeling. "It's Niall."

"Hi." I chuckle short.

"How are ya?" We both ask at the same time.

Excitement is all over me. My heart is racing, my body feels hot as if I sit in a sauna, my face is red and my smile is destined to stay on my face for as long as this phone call will last.

"You go first." He says and I imagine him smiling.

"I'm... Actually really good. And you?" I bite my lower lip.

"I'm really good too." He chuckles.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask and feel insecure. What if this is a prank call? He has a girlfriend. What if this is a joke to him. He can have every girl. Even if he wasn't in One Direction, girls would still run after him. I mean, how could girls not run after him? He's Niall. His blue eyes that make you forget everything around you. His perfectly styled hair. I wonder what it feels like to run my fingers through them. His cute smirk and happy chuckle that gives me a warm feeling. His pretty lips. I wonder what it feels like to kiss them.. Stop it Olivia! He has a girlfriend, I have to remind myself.

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