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"Can we talk read quick, mum?" Niall asks his mother but it sounds more like a demand. Before she can even answer, he grabs her wrist and pulls her away from me. Niall starts to talk once they are out of my hearing reach. Wrinkles build up on Niall's forehead as he talks. His mother nods and all of the sudden I get the strong feeling that I saw her before - before today. Her voice seems extremely familiar to me and it's like I already met and talked to her before. I watch them hug and then come back to me.

"Is everything okay?" I ask them.

"Everything is okay, Olive." Maura smiles at me.

"Mum, she doesn't like to be called Olive." Niall says and puts his arm around my waist.

"But I--" Maura starts but Niall cuts her off.

"Mum." He says sharp and gives her a look.

It's quiet for a minute until Maura suggest to get some dinner.

"Yeah sure, I know a good place." Niall smiles and takes my hand. We say goodbye to the others and then get into a black car that drives us to a restaurant.

When we arrive there, few paparazzi are already outside. One bodyguard of the boys is with us and leads us to the entrance doors. The paparazzi yell questions but we ignore them. Niall walks ahead of me and Maura. Once we get inside, the doors close and few steps away from the door, Niall turns around and comes over to me. He cups my face with his hands and I feel tears building up. I don't know what it is, that makes me cry every time. Something about paparazzi yelling and taking hundreds of pictures just builds up the tears in me.

"Okay?" Niall asks and I nod. He kisses my forehead and then we go over to the registration console. I step back, next to Maura. "A table for three." Niall tells the woman and she nods. She takes three menus and leads us to the back of the restaurant. When we sit down, she gives us the menus. I sit next Niall across from Maura.

"How's Greg and Denise and Theo?" Niall asks his mum as we look into the menu.

"Good, a bit sleepless as it is for fresh parents but good." She smiles. A waitress comes over to us and takes out drink orders. We talk about other 1D day and how amazing it was until she comes back with out drinks and takes out food orders. Minutes later she comes back with our food. As we eat, we start talking about me, uni and about Niall and I.

Maura is so nice and I just can't get rid of the feeling that I already know her. They way she acts, moves, talks - I've already seen it. I try to think of a person who's like her, but I can't think of someone. Why can't I remember her as I wish I could? Why is everything before my first memory just a blur. It's like everything that happened before that christmas is just a story that people tell me over and over again. It's so surreal. Maura tells me about about Niall's childhood and I feel like I was a part of it even though I wasn't.

When we reach the end of Niall second chocolate cake, it's time to get back to the hotel. He quickly finishes and then the waitress brings us the bill. I want to pay but Niall puts dollars down, even before I can reach for my wallet. The waitress takes the money and leaves. Niall quickly texts his bodyguard to come and get us before we stand up and walk to the door. When Niall's phone buzzes, he nods in direction to the doors and walks ahead of me and his mum. Niall's bodyguard makes our way free as Maura walks close to Niall and I few steps behind them, keeping my head down.

As soon as we're in the car, Niall places one hand on my thigh and the other one on my cheek. He strokes my cheek with his thumb and gives my temple a kiss. "I don't know why this always makes me so emotional." I try to laugh it off as I wipe one tear away.

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