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Here's chapter five!
Enjoy, vote and comment please xx

It's Monday morning and in three minutes my alarm will go off. I'm already wide awake for a while now and stare at the white ceiling. For once in my life, my brain is blank. I have nothing in my brain, not any idea for anything, not even the thought of food, which is odd for me. The thought of food usually takes up the majority of my head.

When my alarm goes off, I sit up straight and rub my eyes open. As probably every human being on earth, i take my phone and check my Twitter and Instagram account and Whatsapp. 742 messages. Really?, I think and roll my eyes. I guess that's what comes when you're in a group chat. My friends from Ireland, who are now spread all over the world, and Ethan and Ally are in. I really can't be bothered to read everything and throw my phone behind me. It lands on my pillow. I get out of bed and take a hot shower. As the hot water hits my body, my muscles loosen up. My brain start to plan the entire day, within the 15 minutes. Afterwards, I get dressed in royal blue skinny jeans and a white blouse. I let my hair air dry as I prepare and eat breakfast.

When I look at my phone again, I see that I only have 10 more minutes, if I want to get green tea before my first class. I quickly put my empty plate in the sink, blow dry my hair and then pack my backpack. When the 10 minutes are over, I'm done and lock the door. I make my way to the nearest Starbucks where many others students are too. The line is longer than I thought is would be. Minutes later I get my iced green tea and when I walk out, a boy is holding the door open. He smiles at me and I smile back, but instantly blush once I'm few steps away from him.

I get to the lecture hall that is already half filled. A group of boys, wearing wide pants and glasses, pass by me and take a seat in the first row right away. It seems like they already know how everything works but at the same time they seem frightened. Do I look frightened too?, I ask myself as I walk pass them to the third row. Since I can remember I always sat in the third row in classes and now it's not any different. I take a seat at the beginning of the row and take my notebook out. While waiting for the professor to come, i have to stand up a couple of times to let others take a seat in the row too.
Then a old man comes in, followed by the boy that held the door open for me at Starbucks. He has dark hair and smiles when he spots me. The professor goes to the blackboard and writes his name on it, while the dark haired boys comes directly towards me. He stops in front of me and I have to sand up to let him in. When we both sit down again, the professor raises his voice "I am Mr. McAllister." He points at the blackboard and sits down on his table. "I hope you didn't take anything out because if yes, you can put it right back into your bag. Today is just talking!" He announces.

Everyone - including me - who has something out, puts their stuff back into their bag before Mr. McAllister continues. "I'm going to read out your names and you're going to stand up, introduce yourself and tell us the reason why you're here." He smiles and claps his hands. "Ashten." He calls out a girl.

She stands up, smooths out her skirt and clears her throat. "I'm Taylor Ashten and I'm here because I want to be an author." She smiles and you could see the awkwardness in her cheeks. Taylor sits back down, Mr. McAllister nods and calls out the next name.

When we reach F, everyone has their sentence prepared and is ready. Until now, every pretty much had the same reason: they want to be an author.
"Hemmings." Mr. McAllister exclaims.

I stand up, take a deep breath and smile. No one has to think about their sentence anymore and are able to give me their full attention. It feels like headlights are shining at me and I can feel eyes scanning everything inch of my body.

"My name is Olivia Hemmings and I am in this class because I want to work as publisher whilst being an author." I survive. With a smile on my face, I sit back down.

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