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I've been awake for over an hour now and all I've been doing was listening and singing along to either Teenage Dirtbag or I'm yours, both covered by the boys, and think. With the boys I mean the boys from One Direction. Since I first saw them on TV, I call them 'the boys' or 'my boys' for no reason really. It's much more nicer than to say One Direction. I guess back then it gave me the feeling that we're friends or whatever, which is now true so they are technically my boys. When Niall has to pee or leave for a couple of seconds, one of them always plops up out of nowhere and we start to talk. I get to know them without pushing Niall to introduce us to each other and they get to know me. From the beginning I didn't want Niall to think that I want to he his friend just because of Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn. I always just want to be Niall's friend and that was enough for me.

I wasn't in the mood to go running this morning so that's why I go through all my thoughts right now. Last night, dad drove me home around midnight and for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. Maybe it was because Niall and I didn't talk last night. Maybe it was because I was thinking too much. Sarah's question just stuck in my head. "You like like him, don't you?" I nodded in response out of reflex. I wasn't really thinking about her questions until now. I just answered with yes because I had a feeling that said yes. Do I like like him? I mean we know each other for two months now and we're pretty close friends. From the beginning he was just my celebrity crush. Has it turn into a real crush? Now that it's possible, do I really like like Niall? I guess the fact that I think so hard about it, already shows that I do. But everything went so quick and at the same time in slow motion. Time just passed us by and stood still when we talk or laughed. Something about Niall gives me the feeling that I am complete. As if he's the missing piece. When I think back about last weeks, all I remember are the conversations we had. pointless, unnecessary, random but they mean a lot to me and I believe that they mean a lot to Niall too.

It knocks on the door and I let out a groan. Who has the nerve to interrupt my singing? I think and crawl out of bed. Slowly I make to the door and open. It's Toby. "You sing pretty good" he tells me smiling and I roll my eyes in response. "Hi." His smile becomes a weirded out and questioned face expression when he sees what I am wearing.

"It my dad's and very comfy." I explain and step to the side to let him in. I gesture him to get in, which he does and then close the door behind us.

"Do you always sleep in just a shirt and shorts?" He asks as he sits down on my bed.

"'Course I do." I smile. "So what brought you here?" I ask and sit down next to him.

"Your notes." He opens up his jacket and takes a few pieces of paper out. "I allowed myself to type it and print put." He hands me over the original papers and the new ones. The new ones, that are typed with his laptop and printed out, are much neater than my handwriting and I would totally do it like Toby but I am too lazy.

"Thanks a lot." I get up and put the papers on my bed.

"Is that Niall?" Toby asks. I turn around and see him holding my Niall pillow.

I nod.

"Does he know that you have this?" He laughs.

"Nope. The one time and only time we was here, he didn't see it. It was buried under my other pillows." I smile.

"Well, I am not here just because of your notes... I actually came here to seek for advice." He scratches the back of his neck and stands up.

"Tell. Me. Everything." I say not knowing that what I am about to hear is going to change a lot of things.

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