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Since following mum and asking her more question, won't lead me to anywhere, I might as well drop the topic for now. Maybe I should try to talk to dad first. He's always been easier one with getting information out than mum ever was.

"Well anyways. Jazzy we should catch up." I suggest and walk pass her, knowing that she follows me. We go bedroom and as soon as we enter the room, I notice the smell of sex and open the windows. To my surprise, Niall cleaned up a bit and it's not as messy as I had left it this morning. Jazzy lays down in my bed and I take a seat on my desk chair. Chats like this used to be our weekly thing.

"So what did I miss?" I ask her before she can even mention Niall and start talking about me, when there's so much else I need to know.

"Well... not much really. The only thing that has really changed is that Aaron and Hannah are or were dating."

"Wait? Were dating?" I thought there together. Yesterday they were...

"I don't really know, honestly. Hannah and Aaron are on and off again ever since they started dating." Jazzy rolls her eyes. We both share the same opinion about on/off relationship – waist of time, that is. Either you are together or not. There can't be on and off. Not in our opinion.

"When did they even start dating?" I want to know and spin around in my desk chair.

"One day after you told us that you have a boyfriend." Jazzy says and sits up.

"For real?" I ask not believing her. She nods and my jaw drops to the floor.

"Yep. He asked her out the very next day and they went on a date – the same restaurant you guys went to, back then by the way – and, yah, they made out the same day at her house and had their first fight the day after." She explain and can't help it but laughs, making me laugh as well.

"Do they fight a lot?" I stop spinning around to face her. Jazzy nods.

"Yep. Aaron always starts fighting about small things. But that's just the person he is." She says and I nod understanding. I know exactly what she means with that. When Aaron and I were in a relationship, we never had a fight, but after we broke up and were just friends, he always started fighting with me. It always ended with both of us laughing though and were never real fights. Disagreements, would be the right word, I guess.

"Do you like Hannah and Aaron together?" Jazzy asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. I mean... I don't really care, you know?"

"Yeah, but she's your friend and then she started dating your ex." She half smiles at me and I don't really know what to say now. Does it bother me that my friend if dating my ex? Should it bother me?...

"I know... but that's her decision. If she loves him... then thats okay for me." I shrug yet again, not really knowing what to think about it. "Yeah, I mean,  she's my friend, but it's not like we're the bestest of friends that it matters much to me when she dates my ex. Besides that, it's not like my ex is a bad person, or was bad to me. If anything, he was a very nice and a good boyfriend and if Aaron is that to her as well, then what can I say? I can't say that I hate their relationship, but honestly, I don't love it either, you know? If they are happy, let them."

"I would stop talking to her if she would date Ethan after we'd breakup." Jazzy admits.

"Yeah... but that's different. Between you and Ethan is so much more than there was ever between me and Aaron. That's not the same, Jazz." I say that even though Jazzy and Ethan have only been a couple for a few days. Who knows where their relationship is going. All I know is that it's much more of a real relationship than mine and Aaron's.

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