Chapter 46 - The Hearing

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I traveled with Floo Powder that morning, following the woman sent from the Ministry to collect me. Professor Snape and Professor Umbridge were there too. Both of them didn't dare to say a word to me. However, the plump woman from the Ministry was very welcoming, kind and always smiling. She was gentle and treated me with respect. I wouldn't expect that she would. The three of them were standing around me like guardians. I would expect Dumbledore to come with me but he never showed up.

My guardians thickened as soon as I set foot in the Ministry. One of them was ordered to point a wand to me at all times.

"Don't you worry, dear," said the Auror with a smile. "It's just for your protection. Not ours."

I would have expected everyone to be as mean as the students who had tried to duel me when they found out who I was.

"Sit here, Miss Riddle," the plump woman, led me to the courtroom. I sat on the chair in the middle of the Court Room, facing the court. All the members of the court were rather kind with me. Most of them would even welcome me with a real smile on their faces.

I didn't have the time to think about it but maybe it was because of my mother. Maybe the love of the people of the Ministry was greater than their hatred for Voldemort.

"Annalise Helen Wallis, you're summoned here, in front of the Court for a public hearing. Now, the process is simple and known us all," said the Minister with calm but cold voice. He was one of the only ones that looked at me with disgust. "Now, Mr Snape, please give Miss Wallis the potion so we can proceed," he continued while Snape was coming closer to me, giving me the potion.

I looked at it a bit scared. I knew that if they asked me a question that wasn't to be answered, I would be dead. But since I had no choice, and since I knew that if I didn't drink it then they would tell that I had something to hide, I took the vile and forced the potion down my neck. I didn't feel any different, just like last time.

I told myself it would be okay. Sirius had told me everything would be okay.

"We're ready to begin," said Professor Snape going back to his seat.

"Now, we begin with the simple questions. Is your name Annalise Helen Wallis?"

"No," I answered without even realising that I answered something that I didn't want to. Everyone stared at me with surprise. I suppose that no one answered negatively in this question

"And may I ask what your name is?" he said behind some sort of laugh.

"My name is Annalise Sophialine Riddle."

"Yes, we talked about that before the hearing began and we are ready to change your second name and your surname, if that's what you wish. Moving on to the next question – I think it is already answered but – are you the Dark Lord's daughter?"

"I am," I said with steady voice and the answer just slipped from my mouth.

"When did you find out who you were?" he continued without expression on his face.

"It was last summer," I answered quickly, again without realising it.

"And how did you learn about it? Under what circumstances?"

I must admit I thought about it for a moment. But then something forced me to answer honestly. "I was spending my holidays with Draco Malfoy. It was there where I was told," I was able to hide some details. I didn't lie, I just didn't say the whole truth.

"And before this summer you didn't know you were his daughter?"

"No, I had no idea," I answered with straight voice.

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