Chapter 67 - Whispers

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The next day I received a letter from Dumbledore. He'd summoned me to his office after the end of the last period. He mentioned that we needed to talk about an important issue and that I shouldn't try and escape this.

I knew he just wanted to reconnect. I was almost sure that whatever it was that he wanted to talk to me about, it was a mere excuse to see me.

"To be honest, I did not really think you would accept my invitation," he said when I got into his office and stood.

"I didn't think I'd come either," I answered. I closed up, gave out a smile and didn't seem cold this time.

"How come you changed your mind?"

"You said it was something important..." I said.

"And I thought you didn't follow my orders anymore. That you would never again follow my advice," he said.

"Well, I to keep it a bit more open-minded," I said. "What is this important issue we need to talk about?" I said. Dumbledore showed me the seat in front of his office but I didn't accept it.

"There are a few letters from some newspapers and the Ministry asking my permeation to allow some reporters to come for some interviews. Interviews about you. I'd like to discuss which choice is the best," he said calmly.

"I see. Could I see these letters? Maybe we can study them together," I said.

"So you will discuss this?"

"Of course, I will. But I would like to talk to Lupin about it as well."

"That could be arranged," said Dumbeldore. He looked at me for a moment with a smile on his face, a smile that, I soon understood, was a response to my acceptance. I'd accepted his help and that was almost equal to forgiving him. It seemed that for a moment he snapped away from out issue and only thought about how satisfied he was that he'd finally gotten back in my game.

After a moment, he opened his first draw to reach for the letters. When he picked the pack of letters, he revealed a black book that caught my attention, a black book with a hole on it. In the hole, there was my ring. The one Voldemort had given to me last Christmas.

"Wait..." I said. "What is this?"

Dumbledore looked up to me and then realised what I was staring at. It was the ring I was referring to, and when Albus realised, his head shot back up to mine.

"It's nothing."

"This is my ring!" I gasped. "What is that doing here? It should be in my trunk."

"This is not important, Annalise. We have more important things to worry about," he said, to avoid discussing this further.

"Excuse me? This is something that belongs to me. How and where did you find this? Did you steal it?" I said but Albus didn't answer. "At this point, I should tell you that if you don't answer me right at this moment then I shall reconsider consulting you when it comes to my choices. The fact that you are avoiding to answer me this simple question should already put me in thoughts. I'm giving you a second chance before I try to figure myself why you're keeping my ring; and no need to remind you that this is something easier than you would imagine. A single vision would be enough."

"Alright, alright. I will tell you," Albus breathed out. "There is a reason why Voldemort would give you this ring. It was to keep it away from any place I would look to find it," he said and paused.

"Why would you want to find it?"

"This ring contains some kind of magic, dark magic. A kind of magic that had to be destroyed. It's the same magic I came across when I looked at Tom Riddle's diary, after Harry destroyed it in the Chamber of Secrets," he said and showed me the black empty notebook.

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