Chapter 63 - Harry Potter and the Lost Daughter

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This night was very tough for me. I woke up late at night without knowing why and then I realised I found myself wet with cold sweat. I was glad that Hermione was still asleep and I didn't wake her. But that didn't continue for the second night. It was Hermione who woke me up. I realised my face was wet with tears.

"What is it?" I said gasping.

"You were screaming Annalise!" answered Hermione worried.

That was a second before the Weasley family rushed into the room without warning and started asking questions about what happened. I would answer if I knew. Apparently, I was screaming in my sleep. I'm sure that I saw a dream, I kind of remembered that I did. And I'm quite sure it was a prophetic one. But I don't remember anything more about it. There was something blocking my mind. Something that didn't let me see my visions that clearly. And after the Weasley family members headed back to their rooms, I couldn't sleep, even though Hermione did at once.

The same thing would happen every single night until late August. At some point, the Weasley family just gave up on me and stopped coming to our room to check out if I was okay. Hermione was always there to wake me up from the nightmare until it became a custom to her. By the end of August, it didn't surprise her much.

*     *     *

It was the time when I could go to sleep practically anywhere and anytime. The last night before we left for Hogwarts, Harry arrived. We had stood up late with Hermione and Ron, just talking in Ron's room. I'd silently fallen asleep without really feeling it. Whatever I heard from then, I heard as if in a dream. I was still sleeping and all of the conversations, all of the voices seemed like a dream to me. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps getting into Ron's room where I was sleeping.

"You're going to sleep in my room. The girls are sleeping in Fred and George's room which is right next to ours," said Ron airily putting Harry's truck down. I heard a pause. Harry was stunned by the time he laid eyes on me. He slowly moved to me and sat on the bed right next to me. "Yeah, try not to wake her," said Ron coming a bit closer. "She had a tough night... She needs to sleep," he said kindly.

"Tough night? Why?" asked Harry.

"She didn't sleep well. We heard her screaming while she was asleep. Apparently, she had a nightmare," answered Ron. Harry didn't answer but kept his eyes on my face. "You know, I don't find it in my heart waking her now. I think she should sleep here and you with her. I'll sleep with Ginny, in the twins' room and Hermione will sleep in Ginny's room, it won't be a problem," whispered Ron.

"Nah, you don't have to do that..." answered Harry without really feeling like it.

"I actually do..." said Ron. I understood that he proposed this so he could leave me and Harry alone, even though I was sleeping. He had understood that Harry felt something more about me. "I've seen how you're looking at her. And I understand. So it won't be a problem at all. And the girls will understand. My parents won't have to know," said Ron. Harry didn't answer. He wouldn't move his eyes away from my face.

"It a good idea." he finally said. "And I would love to sleep beside her. But she wouldn't want me to. And so I won't," he said bitterly. "I love her mate. But she loves him." said Harry pronouncing the word 'him' with a little more disgust than needed. "And I hope he makes her happy. Otherwise, he will deserve what I'm going to do to him."

"And what is that?" asked Ron.

"I don't know yet. But something that will be equal to the pain he caused," he answered.

"If that's any consolation, I don't think that Draco has written her for, like, ages."


"For as long as she has been staying with us he hasn't been sending any letters. Wonder if they are still together. You might have a chance with her, Harry. You might actually be able to give her some happiness. She really needs it. It hasn't been easy. And now she will have to turn things around and make some followers. She already has some influence to the people. Wonder what would happen if you two were a couple. Thousands would follow you."

"This is the last thing that I'm thinking about right now - what the public would like," said Harry.

"No, this is not what I was going for. I was just thinking, Anne has a long fight and a different one from you. I would rather her be with you than with Draco."

This conversation had only entered my mind when I was lingering between sleeping and awake. I remember waking up the next morning and remembering this talk for the first time; I was at a complete loss for words, practically fuming.

But for now, I slept deeply. I heard Harry leaving the room and dreamt.

*     *     *

I woke up in a bed wet with sweat and hair stuck on my face.

My throat was sore from the screams and grunts.

I remembered seeing my father's terrible face with a wand pointed straight to Draco. I was begging and begging but he looked as ruthless as he had been the night at the Ministry.

"Please! Please! I'll do what you want! Please!"

I was still screaming.

This time it was Harry that was over me.

"Anne! He is not here! You're safe!" With his hand, he tried to stroke my hair but I was in a state of shock and frenzy and only shaking too much.

"He was-" I tried but tears were flooding my throat. "He was threatening to-" 

I couldn't have explained, if I wanted too. I only kept shaking and shouting.

"Come here." Harry pressed me against his chest tightly. "Shush..." he whispered. "Everything is fine. You're fine..."

In my terror and pain, his voice was soothing. I tried to catch my breath but I kept crying.

Harry rocked me from side to side and didn't stop until I almost passed out to sleep to escape the pain. It was only the next morning, when the sunrise creeped in, that I realised I had fallen asleep in that same embrace. 

He was still wearing his glasses. He must have fallen asleep as he was rocking me.

I stood up quickly and walked up and down the room.

"Harry!" I said and threw a pillow on his face.

"Erm... Hello?" he said and struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Back to your room. Now!" I said and pointed a finger to the door.

"Oh. Right. Yes." He awkwardly stood and ran out of the room at once.

What had happened? How was I stupid enough to let myself sleep? Oh my God, how could I have let this happen?

*     *     *

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