Chapter 68 - Curses

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Luna insisted that I joined her and Ginny for a butterbeer in Hogsmeade but I didn't feel in the mood for drinking or socializing. She seemed let down but she never complained or insisted much. She kept saying that in order to get over my breakup, I had to take my time. She also read in Witch Weekly that the amount of time that it takes for a person to get over someone, was half the duration of the relationship. This didn't seem optimistic to me; I would have a long and difficult year ahead of me if that were true. However, I suspected that Luna had not read that fact in Witch Weekly at all and only wanted to make me understand how impossible it was for me to get over Draco, in hopes that I would go back to him and try to work things out.

Of course, I hadn't told her that he had called me a slut, so it seemed reasonable for Luna to defend Draco as always.

I walked to the Astronomy Tower. It was the only place where I would be able to clear my mind, even though there were so many things that this place reminded me of. Things that didn't need to be recalled.

I was not longing to see anyone there. It was the loneliest place to go. Calm and quiet, the two things that I most needed right now. But someone was there. I don't like eavesdropping. But as soon as I heard Draco's voice I decided to remain hidden behind the shadows and silently listened to the conversation.

"I don't need your help, Crabbe. And it's not your business, anyway. It's just taking a bit longer than I thought, that's all." said Draco aggressively.

"Someone will not be happy about it, though! And I don't understand what your problem is. The only thing I want is to help you and the only thing you're doing is pushing me away. You may be the chosen one but you should remember that I'm the one who was chosen to help you, " said Crabbe. I had never heard him talking to Draco in this tone. And I knew the reason why. Because as soon as Crabbe dared to spell these things, Draco raised his wand and threatened.

"How dare you, Crabbe? You're nothing! Nothing! You were not chosen for anything. Only I was chosen, want it or not. It's me who is to fulfil this mission. The Dark Lord himself chose me? Not you! This is my moment! My chance! Don't you dare think that you were important enough for anything! Do you understand? I don't need anyone's help! And you're nothing for me. It's me who is going to do it. For the first time, it's me! And you want to steal some of the glory with this pathetic excuse?"

"Draco, I'm not trying to steal your glory. I'm your friend! I'm trying to help you!"

"You're not chosen for anything! Anything, Crabbe! Anything! And now leave me alone! Leave and never come back!" he shouted at Crabbe.

"I don't really believe you said that. I don't take you seriously. You know, ever since you broke up with that little Traitress you're acting really weirdly all the time."

"Don't even get there. You know I had to do it!"

"I know," he said. "But it's bringing you down. Better hurt her than killing yourself. In a way..."

"Don't you ever," said Draco slowly, turning to look at his friend with a deadly look, "say that again. In your life." He stared at him on the verge of hissing. "Ever.  Or else, I'll blind you."

Crabbe stared at his friend for a second. Then he lowered his look and face and left the Astronomy in silence. He almost passed through me and it was a miracle he didn't see me. When Draco was sure that Crabbe was gone, he turned his back to me and leaned against the railing.

I saw his shoulders moving up and down. And then a nearly silent cry.

Draco was crying.

"Draco..." I whispered, almost sure that he hadn't heard a thing. But he turned around at once; maybe he'd heard me; maybe he felt me.

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