Chapter 89 - Trapped

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The Healers were excited about my recovery. I was still easily tired and slept more than 12 hours a day but other than that someone could say that I was back to normal. The headaches were still horrible but they were slowly becoming less often. After another couple of weeks, I was healthy and strong.

In a dark soon, somewhere in the Malfoy Manor, two hostages were held behind an unlocked door.

We listened to the radio and waited for anything to happen. Days passed. My condition got better. Yet, life was still.

"A feast will be required!" said Voldemort one day. "Tomorrow evening, maybe. Yes, that would be perfect. You will finally become a Death Eater. We will perform the ritual tomorrow. I shall summon some of my best Death Eaters. I want you to meet a few people."

When he announced that, I didn't answer.

"Draco, does she ever leave this room?" Voldemort turned to Draco who was standing by the window. Draco made a step but didn't want to answer.

"Go where?" I asked. "To whom?"

"If it is your wish to take some air in the garden, I would be more than willing to escort you. Tomorrow morning," answered Voldemort with a grin.

"And what if I say no?"

"You are going to be in this family for the rest of your life, daughter. You will never leave my side again. You don't want to, of course," he said and looked at Draco. I knew he meant that if I ever left that would be the end of Draco. "I do not wish for you to suffer in it. A walk, on the other hand, is an excellent idea." Voldemort left without another word.

I jumped out of the bed, felt dizzy for a moment, but then made my way to the balcony. Draco didn't follow me at once. He knew how frustrated I was so he gave me a moment to calm down and then stepped outside himself. He took his jacket off and placed it over my shoulders; it was cold outside.

We could leave. We could find a way, break some spells, fight, escape. Yet the people who would stay behind would pay the price for it. We would never be the reason Draco's parents would be killed. I would never have their same blood of by beloved on my hands.

We played the game on our own and ended up together on the other side. Each of us played our aces and we lost. Now, we were paying the price, the ultimate and terrible price.

"I don't want this life for you," he said. "You should have let me die instead," he said.

"Don't ever say that. I would never put your life at risk."

"I am the reason why Voldemort got you in the first place!" he gasped.

"You are under the Imperius Curse, Draco. How could I ever blame you for something like this?" I said. I turned to him and put my arms around him. He was cold for a moment, probably feeling guilty but then relaxed and hugged me as well. I kissed him. "It could be worse. I could not have you. Or you could be dead like I thought you were."

"You should be fighting with your people. I would like that. We could be fighting him right now, if only I hadn't been so stupid! I should have followed you before all this had happened... You can't leave the fight. You are born to do this!"

"Draco, I am terrified of losing you again."

"You wouldn't have to if I'd followed you. But I came back because I was too afraid. Or at least Voldemort shouldn't have spared me. It would be better if he just killed me like I thought he would and this way he would have never put me under the Imperius Curse and he wouldn't have forced me to find you. I messed up..."

"To your disappointment, Draco Malfoy, it's not always your fault!" I gave him a little laugh.

"If I wasn't in your life, it would have been better for you..." he said.

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