Chapter 100 - Thank You

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Dear reader,

I guess I need a second to thank you.

I started writing this story a very long time ago. I was a mere child of 14 and it was mid-August. I remember it all as if it were yesterday. I started uploading it on a very small fanfiction site and I kept writing it with all my heart. It was never recognized and by the time I reached Chapter 40, I quit. I never finished the story on that site but I did start occasionally uploading the chapters I had already written, here, in Wattpad, because I wanted to test the story to a wider audience, just to see what happens. But even these uploads would happen about once or twice in a few months with no actual intention of ever continuing the story once I ran out of already written chapters. I kept thinking, 'well, if my story was not successful in Quotev, there is no chance it is ever going to be successful in Wattpad. I mean... it's freaking Wattpad!'

I had forgotten I was uploading the story here for a few months and then logged back in, completely discouraged and sure that this would be my last log in, just to put the story down. The internet didn't need more rubbish.

When I saw how many people were asking me to update on my last chapter, how many private messages I was getting or how many people were writing on my board, hoping to get me into writing again, I knew had to start writing this story once more, this time do it properly and actually finish it.

Two years later, hundreds of hours of writing and editing and this story is finally finished. 

The fact remains, I've been basically writing this story for four years and I never thought I would finish it. Something always stopped me, whether that was school or exams or writing my first actual novel. It was only recently that I started uploading on a regular basis and I never thought that it would get the support it did.

I feel like this is the ending of a big chapter in my life. So many people have been telling me that it's not worth writing Fanfiction since I'm quite older now (I just turned 18) and because I have very important exams waiting in a month. But the truth is that regardless of whether this is serious or important or not, I loved writing it and I don't regret any word. It was what made me want to become a writer and it is the reason why I'm writing my first novel right now. And apart from that, it is something that I managed to finish (and here I have to say that I have always been struggling with finishing things I pick up).

This is my first story on Wattpad but I've learned so many things. The oddest thing is to compare what I'd written a year or two ago to what I write now. Especially for someone like me, a foreign writer, who had never written anything else before in any language, this was a journey of finding myself.

This is basically the end of a thing that has been influencing my life over the past four years and it feels bittersweet to say goodbye to such a big part of my life.

And here is where you come in.

You supported this, you voted for it and you left such lovely comments that you motivated me even more to finish it. We recently reached #2 in Fanfiction and this is insane especially for a foreign writer writing in English. I've said this before and I will say it again; without you, none of this would be possible. A story is just empty words without someone reading it, a book is just pages and pages with letters on it without someone caring about it. 

I can sum it up in two words, two words that we often hear but we rarely ever mean. I can't say anything more honest and more truthful than this; Thank you.

I have a new Draco fanfic, if you're looking for something to read since you finished this story. It's called 'Saving Draco Malfoy' and it's on my profile. Again, I wrote 'Never' when I was really younger so if you want something maturer, I think 'Saving Draco Malfoy' is for you!

Thank you and goodbye for now. See you soon!

Rennie Liaropoulos

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