Chapter 4 - No New Start

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I was a person struck by fate, in the most unfortunate way. One moment your life is an empty canvas, waiting to be painted. The next moment, you know that someone, something, somehow has managed to create a wide black splash in the middle of the canvas. Now, even though you can paint around the blotch, you know that the black paint will always stay there. 

You fill numb and you feel unable to control what happens in your life, who stays and who leaves. How could my life have turned so wrong so quickly? Just as I was starting to explore this new world, this new life, I had to face this strike of fate.

And oh, the pain...

There are no words to describe this feeling and no one ever has to find out. I thought that coming into this school would give me the chance to change my life but I didn't want this to involve my parents. And what would I do now? They were my family, my only family. That's because my father's parents died when I was nine and my mother's parents are unknown. They didn't have any brothers or sisters so now I was alone.

All my life passed in front of my eyes. My mother brushing my hair in front of the mirror. My father and I playing football in the front garden in spring mornings. Christmas mornings when I was rushing down the stairs to see my presents and my parents watching me proud. My mother's cooking lessons. My father reading me a book in the back garden. The last smile, the last hug, the last kiss, the last time I saw them waving at me at platform 9 and 3/4. Who would ever imagine that in a few minutes after saying goodbye they would be dead. I had my father's dark brown, curly hair and flushing lips, my mother's blue eyes and slim, tall body. Now, these were the only things that I've been left with. I wanted to see them again, to touch them again.

*     *     *

"Oh, the mudblood is crying again, isn't she?"

The voice came from behind, near the door of the Astronomy Tower. I had been sitting on the cold floor for some time when I heard it. Just when I thought that I would be alone to find a moment to read, here they were.

The voice belonged to Draco Malfoy, the boy who wouldn't pass a chance of tormenting a muggleborn in the three days we'd lived in the same castle.

"I am not crying. I'm reading," I said at once and rolled my eyes.

"Good. It wasn't that much of a loss, anyway. They were bloody muggles," he said.

It was one of the times that I would instantly regret thinking he was a decent person when I first saw him. While he was bullying you it seemed hard to remember how sad and lonely he'd seemed to me on that first day.

"I won't even answer to that," I answered and went back to my book.

Draco Malfoy and his gang came closer - Crabbe and Goyle holding a handful of candies on their hands.

"Move it, mudblood!" yelled Draco. "We want this place. Move!"

"I don't have to. There is perfectly good space for you and your friends on the other side of the room - that of course if you'd be so kind as to be quiet because I'm reading," I said. It never got tiring to be kind to bullies and watch them feeling embarrassed, deep inside at least.

"Funny..." he said. With a kick he had thrown the book off the nearby railing. I watched it falling and then heard it smashing down in the front yard.

I looked at Draco with a speechless and angry expression.

"There. You're not reading anymore. Now go get it and leave us alone," shouted Draco and his friends laughed loudly.

"You-" I almost cursed but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. "That was my mother's favourite book!" I said and took an aggressive step towards him. He didn't seem to be scared at all.

"Oh, it was your muggle mother's muddy book?" he laughed. "Do something about it!"

I leaned over the railing of the Astronomy Tower to spot the book far bellow me and then pulled my wand out.

"Accio," I said. The book came floating back to my hand.

"What the-" Crabbe whispered as I was examining the book. "She good," said Goyle in a deep voice.

"Shut it!" Draco stopped the at once. "A summoning spell. Cry me a river!"

I didn't pay much attention to them but I did notice the comments. I was to focused on looking at my book. Now it was dirty and wet and the spine was almost broken in the middle. "It's ruined..." I whined quietly and threw my head back.

"Go cry about it somewhere else!"

As I was walking out of the room, I was realising that the ruined book wouldn't be that much of a loss to me. This world offered me countless opportunities and a visit to the immense library and a few hours of practising would leave my book looking as it did before. Who knew, with a bit of practice I could repair it just enough to have that tatty look on it, the same that it had when it had been passed on to me by my mother.

But there was something that magic could not mend and that was the knowledge that the book had been kicked down from the Astronomy Tower. No one could take that back. 

Turned back on the way out to give a last look of gore to the three bullies. The two of them had already laid their sweets on the ground and were ready to dig in. Draco Malfoy was following me with his eyes, though. His eyes, the same colour of ice with, his mouth, forming the same smirk and his look giving out the same sad aura as the first time I saw him. Well... maybe there were some things that could mend a ruined book or a ruined heart. 

*     *     *

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