Chapter 53 - Torturing a Daughter

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Draco and I had arrived at the Manor two days ago. There was a cold aura between us; we were still thinking about our last night at the Astronomy Tower. It seemed that both of us were begging each other to come to the other side.

Draco found it very hard to think of the choice to change sides as an alternative. It was way harder for him to think of it as plan A. In his mind, I was that girl asking him the hardest thing in his life. He wasn't thinking that he was asking me to do something equally hard, switch sides for him.

Sirius' plan would finally be set in motion. While I was in Hogwarts and under strict observation from the Ministry, there wasn't much ground to spy upon. Today was the day to prove myself to the Order.

Sirius had told me that my task was simple. Ask Voldemort for as much time as I could get, try to spy on the dark side for this time. This task was easier said than done. I should find a good enough excuse and make Voldemort think that it's not actually an excuse. Make them believe I was already on their side, just not officially. If that went well, maybe I would get out of the situation. If not, I guess it would be my last effort.

Today was Christmas Eve and Narcissa had informed us that Voldemort would be taking supper with us. When she got out of Draco's chamber, I almost jumped out of bed and walked to the nearest window. It was one of the coldest days. Almost snowy weather.

"Mother brought you something to wear," Draco walked to me, his eyes with heavy bags under them. We hadn't gotten much sleep that night. Both of us were anxious and terrified.

"Another black dress..." I said.

Suddenly, it was getting hard to breathe, it was impossible to think straight.

Narcissa soon knocked on the door and offered to help me put on a corset but I refused and said I would do it myself.

Of course, I couldn't reach that far back so Draco helped with the laces. The tighter it got, the less I could breathe.

"You look very beautiful..."

He looked at me from head to toe and admired me. Indeed, when he was standing next to me in the mirror, dressed in his black suit, he matched me and fit like a glove.

Another knock on the door. This time it was for the shoes, a pair of high-heeled stilettos.

I was getting frustrated by the interruptions.

Even in Draco's room, I couldn't have a moment with him.  

I walked to the door and run out of the room. I needed to get some air and I needed to get out of this pathetic, expensive manor. I walked as fast as I could through the enormous halls and stairs, trying not to draw anyone's attention. It was a huge manor for a three-member family yet any elf or maiden could see you. Even the walls had eyes and ears.

I walked to the front garden barefoot and dressed too lightly for this cold and windy weather. I fell on my knees in the middle of the grand lawn and cried.

When Draco found me, almost screaming, it started raining.

"Anne, come on. Get back inside."

I ignored him and tried to hit him in the face when he grasped my arms. "You are really frustrating do you know that? Do you know what the craziest thing is? You are asking me to follow you when you won't let me beg for you to follow me!"

"Are you crazy? Stop shouting, anyone could hear you!"

"In fact, you don't even think about it as an option, do you?" I ignored him and tried to push him away.

"You think I don't think about it? Of course, I do! I think about it all the time, Annalise! I'm going through an identity crisis as we are speaking! You are not the only one trying to make it work. You think I'm not doing enough?"

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