Chapter 59 - Death Eater

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Draco's Point Of View:

I remember it hurt too much to bear; leaving her. It wasn't just the rush of having her between my fingers in that damned toilet, it was what I felt was coming.

Mother didn't come to King's Cross Station to take me home - she was kept back in our Manor where the Ministry had restricted her until the trial would be over. My owl came back to me with a letter. Father had managed to loosen up the Aurors when it came to me since I was underage. I wouldn't be followed and wouldn't be house arrested like Mother. I switched trains and returned home.

No one was guarding it - one of Father's achievements, there was only a special spell to make sure Mother didn't leave the house.

Mother was waiting for me in the Grand Hall when I got in. She took her time embracing me, telling me she missed me, her yearly ritual every time I was coming back from school.

The house seemed rather empty without Father. He wasn't a particularly loud person, and he didn't spend time with me whatsoever. I would always remember him working in his office, so I didn't feel his physical absence rather than the emotional one. It was like his strict and demanding aura was missing.

There were times in my childhood that I wished this aura could disappear. Now that it had, my father being in Azkaban, it didn't quite feel right.

"The Dark Lord will be coming soon," said Mother.

I looked at her, not quite knowing what to say to that.

"You will be in your room until I tell you to go downstairs and meet him."

"He wants to see me?"

Mother nodded and tried to raise her eyebrows to act casual but it wasn't quite working for her.


Mother didn't answer at once. "Just go upstairs and I'll tell you when it's time."

It was then when I realised there was something going seriously wrong.

Yet, I had expected it; I was the man of the house now, and if something was going wrong with this family - which it was - I was the one held accountable.

I waited for almost an hour in my chamber, in silence, not quite doing anything at all but just thinking of what could be coming for me. The afternoon was getting darker and thick clouds were gathering. I watched them sitting over the Manor and then I saw the rain falling on my windows.

I closed the drapes because the rain was only making me feel more anxious, and then opened them again, as if I was an indecisive child.

"Sweetheart?" she said smiling but she couldn't hide the sorrow under her look. "He's now waiting for you."

"Mother, what happened? What did he say?" I walked up to her to study her pale face.

"Nothing, nothing..." she said hastily but she still couldn't hold back a tear.

"Why are you crying?" I said whipping her tear out of her face.

"Listen what you have to do now; you have to say yes to everything."

"What is going on?"

"There is only one thing to know. This man is dangerous. Trust me. He could wipe us out as easily as our bad reputation. He is angry. When he says 'do something', you do it. When he says 'go somewhere', you go. It's what we need now."

"What-" I interrupted.

"Promise me that you won't fail your father," she continured. "Whatever he says, you will obey. This is the only way for us to survive this. Even the most absurd thing, say yes. You have to do this to save your father. Promise?"

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