Chapter 73 - Last Wish

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Draco's Point of View:

I was planning on telling her tonight, when we'd meet at the Astronomy Tower. I was planning on asking her to run away with me. I wanted to tell her the whole truth about my mission in Hogwarts this year. I was planning on telling her that I intended to kill Dumbledore for our sake. I felt really stupid for doing something like this but I had brought that emerald ring with me. I was determined to give it to her.

"People are disappearing daily. Death Eaters' job. Murders... Kidnappings..." I said while reading a Daily Prophet. The front page reported a disappearance from a Auror member. When I finished reading, I raised my head to look at the view from the Astronomy Tower and then ripped out the page and threw it as far away as I could. Then I looked at Anne. It was only then that I noticed that she looked like she was ready to faint. "Are you alright? You look kind of wary," I said and hugged her.

"I'm thinking of what could come next," she answered and roosted more in my embrace.

"We all know what happens next." She looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"The Ministry falls. Maybe it won't fall today but it will fall tomorrow or the day after. I can feel it's close enough. Every day is bringing us closer to the end," I said desperately.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Sooner or later they'll find every single You Know Who's enemy. Let's face it; every day could be our last. And it's not the fact that I'll die that makes me so nervous. It's the fact that I'll die before I've even lived."

"I don't like it when you're talking like this. It is so not optimistic."

"As if optimism would change the reality. And you should be even more worried. As soon as you are not under the protection of the Ministry, they'll come after you. It's the same with Potter. You should be more careful. You don't know when they're going to attack. Every day could be the last. People are dying for no reason, good people are disappearing. There is no way stopping it. And the worst part is that we can't even do something about it," I paused. "And I wish I could just take you with me and go away, in the Muggle world where we could live our lives free. At least until this is over."

"Despite the fact that Voldemort would find me, I still wouldn't leave," she shook her head.

"Why not? This world is slowly falling. In this world, we will never get the chance to do things in life. We will never have dreams. I will never be able to become a Healer, and you'll never get to work to the Ministry. I will never see you all dressed in white. We will never see our children be born or grow up. We will never have the chances we would have in another world. And it's a pity. It's a pity dying before managing to experience some important things in life."

I felt the weight of the little red box in my pocket and I thought that this would be a good moment to pull it out. Then I thought that this was a really stupid idea and that I was silly enough to bring it up here, put myself into the temptation.

Part of me thought that this wasn't too irrational. Deep inside me I knew I wouldn't be able to kill Dumbledore and that would be the end of me, and Anne. Maybe this was a good chance to live one of the moments that would be the happiest ones if we ever got to live them.

Really young people, teens, really, were devoting themselves to one another sooner rather than later, now that the future was shaky. Why not us?

"Aren't we a bit young to talk about such things?" she asked with a confused smile.

"Well, we might never have the chance to grow old."

"Okay. Even if that's was to happen, what would you suggest? Even if you know tomorrow you might die, would you prefer to die fighting, or hiding in a hole?"

"I would rather die in dishonor to save a few minutes with you. Once we had a plan of running away. What has happened to that plan?"

"Draco, things are quite different now. I've understood that this is the place where people need me to be. I mean, by Merlin, I have another interview tomorrow. And who knows, maybe tomorrow the Ministry will have fallen and maybe the Order won't be able to protect me but I will fight this. And I would rather fight it with you."

I turned around to face her and put my hands on her face. I felt now that she had as many responsibilities as I did, if not more.

"I understand."

I did understand. This was important to her as it once was for me not to let down my family.

"I know I can't change your mind, but I'm going to say this anyway. Draco, please, give this a thought; you can come with me. We can leave. We can hide you, you know that. You are no assassin. You don't belong amongst them."

"Maybe you don't know me that well, then," I said. I was thinking about the mission.

"I think I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't even think of murdering someone," she said and dropped her head sideways with a smile.

"Anne, I am a shittier person than you think. Maybe I haven't shown you my true face yet." Maybe she thought I was being to modest, or maybe seeking for compliments but I was simply honest.

"Draco, I know you for about three years. I would say that I do know you. And we all have flaws. I do, too. Sometimes I feel like I haven't been completely honest with you, either. Not just about the Harry thing, it's with everything."

"Well, I've forgiven that and you know it. You had the chance to be with him and you chose not to. You are with me right now, and that's what counts. A night doesn't mean anything. And it's nothing compared to the things I do. To the things I would do."

"I don't see that. I understand - I can feel - that you haven't been honest with me about something," she said seriously, but not cruelly. "But I trust you. So, whatever it is, just promise you will give my plan a thought. You don't have to do this to yourself; you don't need to become like your parents. Not if you don't want to. You need to consider this alternative if nothing for yourself."

"If I do, do you promise me one thing too?"

"What would that be?" I said give him a smirk.

"Give my  plan a thought. Maybe there is a way we can stay out of this stupid war."

"So this is how we will play this?" she rolled her eyes and came closer.

"This, dear Anne, is how we make things work..." I said and kissed her lips. "Do you promise?" I insisted and I hear Anne let out a growl.

"I promise," she said with a smile.

I could still feel the box in my pocket and thought that maybe this would make her think my option of running away a bit more positively. But I tricked myself not to think about it by kissing her again.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"Here's to your opinion that every good action goes unnoticed. Here I am. You have been rewarded."

"You self-centered, stupid girl!"

I knew nothing was okay. But I kissed the lips of the woman I loved and would soon put my entire life to question for her.

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I have a question for you, reader.

I know that Draco doesn't propose her BUT would you have liked it if he did? Would it be too weird if they got married? I am currently writing my new fanfic for Draco so I need to know if it feels cringy when a 17-year-old proposes (in this context, of course).

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