Chapter 45 - Power

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The fire was burning out in the fireplace that same night in the Gryffindor common room. Our hands were still holding the Invisibility Cloak in case someone came in. We had been through enough sneaking me into their common room while everyone was asleep. We were risking way too many things now, with me being under observation. Hadn't we some tricks up our sleeves, we wouldn't have managed to get through the guards.

Hermione was between Harry and me, which was probably for the best, because the two of us had still some awkwardness hovering between us.

"Any second now," he said. "He promised he would be here."

The fire crackled a bit more than usual, interrupting Harry's words.

"Sirius!" We both reacted.

"I'm terribly sorry for the delay. There was some trouble with the fire network. Now, Annalise. I want to know exactly what has happened in the last few days. Everything you've said with Umbridge, anything at all."

It took me time to explain everything; about the Truth Serum and the threats. About how Umbridge was the actual reason why my secret was out. 

"If Umbridge plans to take over the Ministry then that is not news for the Order. We have known exactly what she has been planning all along. But I certainly didn't expect something like that; to let out a secret that could lead the people to chaos, just because she wants the Minister to seem untrustworthy, is simply unthinkable and highly impractical."

"She also said that she doesn't want the daughter of a spiritual leader out in the streets. She said I was a threat."

"And that's because you most certainly are. Your mother was more to the Ministry and our people than you could ever imagine. It's easy enough for the people to see hope in your face just like they did in your mother's face."

"Of course, nothing will matter, if they put me in Azkaban," I looked down.

"You shouldn't worry that much about it. Like in a typical Death Eater trial, the Truth Serum will be used. The Ministry wants to know, if you're a Death Eater or not, therefore, you needn't fear much. A little piece of advice, don't use long sentences, just try and answer in their questions with one or two words."

"You're saying there is no chance of putting her in Azkaban?" asked Harry. "She is Voldemort's daughter, they won't let her 'wandering around', like Umbridge said."

"People in the Ministry are no fools. They know how to play this. Annalise may be Voldemort's daughter but she is Sohpialine McGregory's daughter as well. They know that the people will most likely rebel more if the daughter of the Spiritual Leader is in Azkaban than if Voldemort's daughter, who by the way seems not to mean any harm to anybody, is free. Fudge may want her imprisoned but Fudge's judgement doesn't count that much in our days."

"So they will let me free?"

"I would say that they will, yes. It is almost arranged. Even if that may cause some trouble to Umbridge."

It seemed to me that there were not many things to say, now. Still, a greater question remained.

"And what happens then?"

"Then?" Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Then we will make sure you gain as much power as you can."

"Power? I don't have any power!"

"And that's why you will gain it, Annalise. You will influence the people and the people will follow you. Their faith will be your only weapon in this game. The only way to let yourself out of this is to use the strength that you could have. Right now the only card you have in your name. It also happens to be an ace, though. Use it wisely. In time, you will have many cards and soon enough no one will have any aces to play."

"I don't understand."

"Make no mistake, Annalise. Many want you killed. Fudge wants you killed, Umbridge wants you killed... Your father wants you killed, if not on his side. I understand that you might not be ready to face all these threats. So my advice goes as follows: Don't face the threats. Become the threat itself."

*     *     *

"Should I start calling you Riddle now?" said Draco loudly. He had routinely gone back to mild insults in almost empty corridors. He had returned to his easiest way of showing frustration. Draco pushed me but his hand lingered on my back for a moment, a habit that seemed hard to kill.

We were stuck in a limbo of now knowing what to do. Both of us were confused and conflicted. We hadn't forgiven each other for each other's mistakes but at the same time, we wanted nothing more than to go back together and forget all about it. If things were complicated during our last year, when our only problems were if people where going to learn about a pureblood-mudblood relationship, then they were never closer to a total mess now, that we were in this torturing state of uncertainty. 

"You should be careful, Draco. You don't want me to tell my father that you're pushing the Dark Lord's daughter..." I whispered. Of course, this insult should remain a whisper no matter what. If anyone heard me saying something like that, it would make it to the papers the next morning. 

"Say it..." he said playfully, with a smirk only I would see.

I rolled my eyes.

"Say it!" he hissed. Draco was amused.

"My father will hear about this..." I said through my teeth.

"Didn't that feel nice?" said Draco satisfied.

I breathed out heavily. "Yeah, it actually did, Malfoy."

We laughed discreetly for a few seconds. I then shook my head, reminded myself that this was not my boyfriend anymore.

Draco looked around at the empty corridor. Everyone was already in their classes and we would be the only ones who would be late. Neither of us cared. Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me to a dark corner.

"We shouldn't..."

Draco ignored me and press his lips on mine, his hands exploring my waist.

"I thought we said we shouldn't be together anymore."

"I never said we should. I still can't believe you abandoned me to play hero," he said quickly but then resumed kissing me. He was at his most incomprehensible.

"And I still can't believe you lied for a year and a half..." I meant to sound stronger, angrier but between the gasps, I only sounded mesmerized. 

"Yeah..." he said and let out his own silent gasp. "We are bad for each other, aren't we?"

"Then what are you doing?" I broke the kiss again, but he ignored me casually and only lowered his lips to my neck. "What are we doing here?" I repeated but breathed out heavily.

"I told you I wouldn't stop..." I heard his moaned mutter.

He was now leading me against the wall where he trapped me between two strong hands.

"I don't even know what we are anymore..." I kept complaining but all my body wanted to do it shut my mouth up and enjoy smelling Draco's familiar scent on his neck, touching the soft hair near the back of his neck, kiss his soft lips.

Things had never been more unhealthy for both of us. Wanting each other but knowing it was wrong for us. Feeling betrayed by each other's actions but also wanting to hold the other person near. We wanted it all and nothing at all at the same time. One moment we were enemies, the next we were lovers.

"Keep telling that yourself, darling one. You might actually believe it one day."

*     *    *

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