The Daily Orange: Episode Two

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Vote and Comment Please.  You know you want to!


The Introduction Section:

Okay, apparently I wasn't too clear about what this is all about:  I would like it if you would comment on the Question section and the Definition section.  All you have to do (in a comment) is write the answer to the questions, and then guess what the definition is before looking at the actual definition.  You can even comment on the other sections if you'd like to!  Easy enough?  Good!  Now let's get to the good part:

The Quote Section:

This quote is for all you musical people out there!  Enjoy:

"Even if, in one or other of them, I had a particular word or words in mind, I would not tell anyone, because the same word means different things to different people.  Only the songs say the same thing, arouse the same feeling, in everyone--a feeling that can't be expressed in words."

~Felix Mendelssohn~

The Law Section:

Ridiculous Laws in Nevada:

1. Driving a camel on the highway is illegal.

2. Lying down on the sidewalk is illegal.

3. Hanging someone is legal if they shoot your dog.  (OH MY GOODNESS!)

The Question Section:

1. Do you have a closet in your bedroom?

Yes, and its due for a cleaning this summer!

2. Have you ever been in a tornado?

No, and I never wish to.  They look scary, and they do lots of damage!  However, I have seen a dust devil.  It wasn't that big, and I'm sure it wouldn't count for a tornado! :)

3. What is your favorite kid's movie?

I really LOVE Megamind and Despicable Me.  They are probably two of the best villain movies in this world!  I also like Beauty and the Beast, you know the classic Disney movie?  Anyway, I like all the old Disney movies and still watch them sometimes when I get bored.

The Definition Section:

1.a. Define the word linters:

Is it some kind of lint that comes from your clothes? (That's just a guess).

1.b. Actual Definition of linters:

Noun:  the short fibers clinging to cotton seeds after ginning, used in making cotton batting.  (I was way off! :) ).

2.a. Define the word black:

A dark color?  Maybe something more specific: the color of dread! :)  Or even... nothingness! :)

2.b. Actual Definition of black:

Adjective:  opposite to white (what kind of definition is that?!  I was expecting something way different! :) ).

3.a. Define the word zany:

A very fun person...

3.b. Actual Definition of zany:

Noun:  a clown or buffoon.  (I was kind of right... maybe...)

The Spotlight Section:

And the lucky winner is.............


Go check out her stories: I Can't Forget My Past, The Raj, and Finding What Is Real.  She'll be releasing a new story soon.  *Evil Grin*



I don't see many comments!  I need people to comment... just give feedback, you don't even have to answer the questions or anything... just say something! :)

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