❁ Chapter Three ❁

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Picture: Diego, who's portrayed by Jeremy Kapone

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Three

Considering I'm a total nerd with almost zero friends, I spend a lot of my free time at home doing random things in my room. I also like to stay in my room and avoid my family a lot – unless we're eating dinner or I'm walking my dog. I just don't see the point in sitting in the living room with family and watching a random reality TV show or talking about how school is going. I prefer to stay in my room and wallow in self-pity.

Since I'm a no-lifer, I spend most of my time writing music, playing computer games or working on various art pieces. My favorite thing is to paint picture, I don't like to draw as much since that takes up way too much of my time and I like to spare at least five hours every day to watching random shows on Netflix. I do that also all by myself since my parents wouldn't want to watch Castle with me as it's very boring in their opinion.

They clearly have no taste when it comes to TV shows.

When Hollie left my house with Diego – who's apparently her boyfriend since he called her 'my girl' and you do that only to your girlfriend – I kind of sat in my room for God knows how long and didn't do anything. Occasionally I would check Facebook to see if my classmates are up to something ridiculous or if anyone has posted a terrible selfie that I can laugh at or I would scroll on Twitter for an hour and just keep refreshing it until someone tweets something witty or funny. After doing that for like two hours I got bored since nothing exciting was happening.

I look at the time on the clock and chuckle when I see it's already past midnight. 12:25 a.m. if you wanted me to be exact. I push myself off of my bed and pull out my sketching book from the drawer on my nightstand and grab a set of pencils that I use for drawing. I slowly start outlining some random deer type animal. Let's just hope that it turns out somewhat okay and I don't ruin it like all of my other animal drawings.

I place my pencil down onto the paper once I get tired of drawing. I can always work on one art piece for a small amount of time until I get tired of it and want to try something new. Maybe that's why I rarely finish any of my creative works but when I do finish them, I feel like I'm on top of the moon.

When I hear the silent ringtone of my phone, I grab it from my table and look at the caller ID – It's Cole. He rarely calls me and when he does, definitely not when it's past midnight already. He's usually sleeping around this time but whatever he needs, this better be important.

"Hey, Cole," I answer the phone. In the background I can hear loud music playing and various people yelling random things that I don't clearly understand. I rub my forehead since I knew exactly where this is going.

Since Cole's younger sister is Elise and she's like the best friend of Hollie, he sometimes went out with her to make sure everything is okay with her and she doesn't get molested during the night. He seems to forget that he can't handle alcohol that well and he gets drunk after like one beer, which is nothing, compared to what other teenagers his age can drink. Typically at parties, people would chug down like a six-pack of beers and still walk around completely normal or some even manage to drink a whole bottle of vodka or rum and they're just slightly tipsy. Of course there's that group of people who drink a lot, hoping they can handle all of the alcohol and like an hour later you can see them puking in the bushes. That's basically why I don't drink. I know I can't drink that much and I don't want to be one of those people who's seen in the bushes. That would be one of the most embarrassing things in my entire life.

"Yooo," Cole sings into the phone. "What's up, bro?" I can hear him hiccupping and that's always a bad sign – he usually starts puking after hiccupping.

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