❁ Chapter Eleven ❁

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Picture: Gif of Levi the sex bomb.

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Eleven

"Do you know what happened to Hollie?" I ask as I sit down next to Diego during lunch. He looks up at me from his phone and frowns. "She was arrested for cannabis usage. She's on house arrest until further investigation."

"Did they find my cocaine from her pocket?"

"No," I reply. "She took her jacket off before the police arrived and they didn't search through her personal belongings. Do you know if her tests will be positive? Because I don't want to see her getting sent off to juvenile prison or anything."

Diego shrugs, "We haven't smoked weed together in a long time. So there's a chance her tests will come out negative."

"Hopefully. I'm not letting her be sent off to prison, if something happens to her then know that I will tell the authorities about your little cocaine addiction. I don't care anymore."

Diego's face goes blank, "You do know that my parents can destroy you?" He murmurs in a threatening voice.

"Is that a threat?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "I'm not scared of you."

"You do realize that I'm the only one who can get her out of prison? You need me around if something happens to her."

I sigh, "You can't keep relying on your parents' power. You need to figure out how to stay out of trouble without causing problems for your family. It's way easier to be good and stay away from drugs and other problems."

Turning my gaze away from Diego, I notice a bunch of football players walking through the doors of the canteen, everyone laughing at something. They sit to the table next to us and continue chuckling as they look at Diego and I. One of them stands up and walks to us, sitting down against Diego and next to me.

"I heard about Hollie's little problem. Glad to know there's one less drug addict in our school," the guy laughs. "Now we just have to wait for your turn and the school will be free of losers like you." He says to Diego. Diego doesn't look too happy.

"Don't say bullshit about people you don't know," I fire back at the guy. He turns to me and starts full on laughing.

"Wow, the nerd has something to say for once. Did they turn you into a drug addict like you? Got some cocaine or weed with you, mate?" He chuckles.

"One phone call and you're out of this school, Matt," Diego hisses at him. "Try to remember that next time you come bothering us. Better yet, don't bother us again. We don't have time for people like you. You know nothing about Hollie and the things she has gone through in life, so shut your fucking mouth before I rip your tongue out."

Matt laughs again. "Woah, woah, you're such a badass I can't handle it." He walks away from our table and Diego looks like he's going to rip apart the dude. Before I can stop him, Diego jumps up from his seat, pulls Matt back from the shoulder and punches him right across the face.

What the fuck just happened?

Matt holds onto his nose as Diego cracks his knuckles and holds up his fists. "Got something else to say, football loser?" Diego growls at the guy. I hear Matt cracking his nose - Diego probably dislocated it - and he holds up his fists. I shiver at the sounds of bones cracking.

Get your shit together, Levi, you're seeing a fight for the first time. This is exciting as fuck.

The two guys start throwing punches at each other but Diego barely gets hit. He professionally protects his face and manages to throw a few good punches at Matt. By the time they finish, Matt's nose is swollen and his face is bloody. Diego only has some bruised knuckles and a bleeding lip. Someone Matt scratched open his lips or something like that.

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