❁ Chapter Nineteen ❁

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Hello and welcome to the penultimate chapter of The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed. Once this book is finished I will focus on my next story Unraveling Rosen so you should definitely check it out too! 

I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been having trouble writing and I couldn't find the motivation to do anything so since I'm on break I'm forcing myself to write. I hope you'll like this chapter even though it might be very crappy and full of grammar mistakes. My brain isn't functioning in English lol 

This chapter is dedicated to millie_ because she's my favourite person and she's basically my spirit animal and senpai even though she doesn't know that. 


Gif of Selena Gomez and Douglas Booth aka Hollie & Levi 

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Gif of Selena Gomez and Douglas Booth aka Hollie & Levi 

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Nineteen

As we got ready to leave the beach I remembered my parents were coming home today and I'm pretty sure the house looked like a complete pigsty. Not to mention I wasn't even home so I doubt my parents would be happy about coming home to a dirty, empty house. Plus, they probably brought gifts for me and I need to receive them as quickly as possible before Elena breaks them or something similar.

Hollie wipes the sand off her feet and sits inside the car, too lazy to put her shoes back on. She grabs a long T-shirt from her bag and pulls it on and it comes down mid-thigh. My car seats are gonna be soaked in water because of our swimming clothes but that isn't so important at the moment.

"I saw that man again," I tell Hollie. "He paid the lifeguard to stop him from helping us. Seriously, what have you done? Are you involved with a mafia or something? I'm getting worried about this random ass man following us around and attempting to kill us."

Hollie shrugs, "I seriously don't know. Last time I checked I'm not involved with a gang. But then again, I'm involved with Diego and Elise and I don't know much about them. I doubt my best friends are involved in something like that. It sounds too much like a Hollywood movie. Besides, I would remember things like that."

"Not unless you were extremely high from all the weed," I murmur.

"What?" Hollie asks, turning to me.

"Nothing," I shake my head and place the car key into the ignition, turning on the car. It makes a weird growling noise and then the engine turns on. Slowly I reverse out of the parking lot and start driving down the highway towards my house.

What if Hollie actually is involved in a gang or something and she's just lying to me? I get that she'd want to protect me from stuff like that but I don't want to die because of her gang stuff either. And I don't want her to die either. Even though all of this sounds extremely fucked up and doesn't make sense at all I guess I just have to trust her like always and not worry about things like that. Besides, what could be the worst thing that happens? Both of us die? One of us dies? Yeah, I doubt that's gonna happen. But at the same time, you can't predict the future and you never know what might happen.

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