❁ Chapter Seventeen ❁

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Video: Ocean Drive by Duke Dumont 

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Seventeen 

I stare at Hollie for what seems like hours. There's a lump forming in my throat and I can't get the words out of my throat. Do I want to go on a date with her? Well I want to but I don't know if it's the best idea. What if something goes wrong? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of her, that'd be terrible.

My phone vibrating in my pocket like crazy cuts off my thoughts. I pull it out of my pocket and see that Diego's calling me. I furrow my eyebrows and tap 'accept' before pulling the phone up to my ear.

"Levi, I had some of my dad's workers do some research and the black SUV belongs to a man named Carlos. I have a picture of him and it's the same man we saw at the hospital. I'll send you the picture just in case. Also, he has been arrested multiple times for killing people and drug smuggling so keep Hollie safe all the time. I don't want anything happening to her."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. Just keep her safe." Diego ends the call and seconds later I get a text with a photo attached to it. I look at the picture of the creepy looking man who looks like he's in his twenties. Maybe around the age of 25 or even older. He has dark hair and there are huge bags under his eyes while his eyes are bloodshot red. He basically looks like a typical drug addict. I'm guessing he wears those damn sunglasses to hide his eyes.

I place my phone back into my pocket as I run my hand through my hair and let out a sigh.

Hollie grabs my chin and makes me look at her, "You never answered my question," she giggles lightly. "Will you go on a date with me?"

I give Hollie a small grin and then respond, "Sure, why the fuck not."

"Let's go now," Hollie grabs my hand and starts dragging me away from the pier. "It'll be a spontaneous date and you don't have to worry about picking me up or anything special. This is the perfect time since neither of us will have a chance to plan things out properly."

It's only around 7 p.m. right now, basically it's the perfect time for dinner and we're randomly going on a date together. I don't know if this is a good idea but I'm not backing out now. I don't even know where we're going since we aren't dressed extremely fancy so we can't go to a fancy restaurant downtown since people will most likely stare at us like we're insane or we'll be kicked out. I'm guessing the most likely version of that is that people will stare at us. I doubt a restaurant would kick people out since we're gonna buy stuff and it's just good for the business. Plus, it's not like the way we dress has anything to do with the way we act in a fancy restaurant. Everyone knows you're supposed to be all proper and nice when dining somewhere expensive.

"What type of food do you wanna eat?" Hollie asks as we sit inside my car. I shrug, not knowing what to reply. "I have a few options in mind right now: sushi, Indian, Italian or Mexican food? What do you prefer out of those options? Also, I was thinking we should order it to-go and then head to your house and watch Netflix and eat and just talk and cuddle and all that fun stuff."

I chuckle at Hollie's suggestion.

"Let's get Indian food and sure, we can go to mine to eat. My parents won't come back until tomorrow afternoon so it's just gonna be the two of us." I start the car and start driving. Hollie connects her phone to my car using Bluetooth and starts playing a song called 'Ocean Drive' by Duke Dumont as we're riding down the highway that's next to the ocean. Hollie giggles at her own song choice and quietly hums the words along. She's tapping her leg to the beat of the music and making little moves in her seat, which I find adorable.

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