❁ Chapter Sixteen ❁

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Picture: gif of Hollie aka my goddess Selena. she's literally so gorgeous i want to curl up in a ball and cry

Video: Perfect by One Direction

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Chapter Sixteen

Hollie's eyes flicker to mine when she notices me standing by her bed. She lifts her body up a little and winces as pain shoots through her body. Hollie places a hand onto her stomach. She looks up at me again.

"What happened?"

"You were shot by some asshole," I reply. "The guy escaped before we had a chance to see who he was." I grab her shoulder and pull her against my torso, hugging her tightly. "I was so damn worried about you," I murmur. "I thought you're gonna die or something."

Hollie chuckles, "I'm not going to die, Levi. No one can kill me."

I release her when a doctor walks into the room. He opens Hollie's chart and writes down some things as he looks at Hollie's pulse and blood pressure.

"Ms. O'Connor, how are you feeling?" He asks.

"My stomach hurts a little," Hollie confesses. "But other than that, I'm okay."

"The morphine should take care of the pain any time now. If you're wondering about the surgery then you should know that your heart stopped many times but we managed to save you." The doctor takes a few steps closer to Hollie's bed and sits on the edge. "I just have one question for you; do you drink a lot of alcohol? Because you should know that your liver is in a very bad state already. I'm not going to even ask if you smoke since when they brought you in, you reeked of cigarettes. As your doctor I advise you to stop before it's too late. I don't want to see a young girl like you dying."

Hollie places her head down in shame, "Yeah, I do smoke and drink."

"You should consider going to therapy," The doctor says softly. "You have a chance to stop all of this madness before it's too late." He stands up and grabs Hollie's chart before walking towards the door.

"Doctor, when does she get released from here?" I ask.

"If all goes well, then in a week or so." He smiles and heads out.


Just like the doctor said, Hollie got out about five days later. I made sure to pick her up from the hospital since I doubt her parents would come.

Hollie signed the release papers and we walked out and headed to my car. The weather's extremely nice today and Diego suggested we go to his house, swim and have a small barbeque. Of course Hollie can't swim with the cut on her stomach but I'm sure she doesn't mind sitting at the table and eating all of the food.

We arrive at Diego's house—I've never been there in my life, by the way—and I'm surprised as I look at the huge mansion in front of me. I knew Diego's parents were quite wealthy but I never expected him to live in such a house. The gatekeeper lets us in when he sees Hollie and I park my Mercedes behind the black Maserati in front of the house. Once we get out, Diego greets us at the door and let's us come in.

I look around the huge foyer, amazed by the beautiful interior in this house. There's a huge chandelier hanging from the high ceiling and a lot of portraits of Diego's family are hanging on the walls. There's even a portrait of Diego.

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