Chapter 6

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Phil's POV

I sucked in a harsh breath. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell my best friend that I'm gay!

Dan was sat next to me. I'm so nervous. What if he hates me. What if he stops being my friend. I'm scared!!

Dan saw me biting my nails. "Phil what's up? You seem really nervous!" I'm gonna do it!

"D-dan, I'm" I paused for a deep breath. "Dan I'm gay" there I said it! I didn't dare to look at his face.

Dans POV

He said it. He said he was gay. I'm so proud of my lion ❤️.

His head was faces towards the floor. I saw a tear fall onto the sofa. He was crying.

I hugged him as tightly as I could. "Philly, stop crying it's ok, one thing though how come you dated Emily?" I asked softly.

"She- I used her, I thought my feelings inside would disappear if I dated her, but they didn't" he said quietly. "Phil, why did you want your feelings to disappear?" He looked up at me. His eyes were puffy and red from crying. "I-I was afraid Dan, afraid that no one would accept me for who I am"

I held him tightly.

"Dan?" He asked his voice cracking slightly
I looked up at him.

"Dan why do you cut?" He asked quietly ashamed of asking. He deserved to know.

I told him (a/n I explained this a few chapters back) .

"You're gay Dan?" He asked. I nodded.

I felt hot tears burn the back of my eyes.

I told Phil that I needed to be alone for a bit. I walked into my room and pressed my back to the wall. The memories of what happened kept playing over and over in my head.

I burst out in tears. My own dad hated me! He hated me like everyone else does!

The world was spinning around me.

The walls were closing in on me.

I had no where to go.

I was trapped!

Tears streaming like rivers down my face.

My body shaking violently.

Those horrible memories circling around and around my head.

I tried my hardest to calm down but I couldn't.

I needed someone.

More importantly I needed him.


I was trying not to cry loudly but I couldn't help but whimper.

Ha! You're so pathetic Dan!

Those words kept playing on and on in my head.

I hate myself so much!

Phils POV

I heard whimpers coming from Dan's room.

My poor bear!

It was my fault!

I did that to him!

I shouldn't have asked him.

Uggghhh!! God I'm an idiot!

He probably hates me!!

I heard his whimpers getting louder.

My eyes started filling up with tears.

I need to check on him

I walked past the kitchen and saw 2 bags of maltesers.


He will love these.

I knocked on his door. "Dan, you ok?" I heard a soft cry in reply (a/n that rhymed)

"I bought maltesers"

Dans POV

"I bought maltesers" I heard Phil's soft, caring voice.

Ahhhh! He's the best!

"C-come in Phil" I hiccuped.

He walked in and ran straight over to me.

He gently hugged me. He looked at me and his eyes filled up with tears. "You ok?" He croaked. I nodded.

I hugged him as tightly as I physically could. He hugged me back in the same way. "It's going to be ok Dan. He's not here anymore. I'll protect you. I'll be here for you no matter what bear" he whispered.

"Thanks lion..... You don't understand how much you really mean to me" I whispered back. We stayed like that for a few more minutes.

When we finally broke from the hug Phil changed the subject and we started talking about our favourite animals and Dil whilst eating maltesers.

Phil's my hero.

He saved me.


I seriously love that guy.....

I wish I could tell him!

❤️ All I want is to wake up next to him every morning. Hold him in my arms and never let go. Kiss him everyday and night. Tell him how much I freaking love him. Most of all I want to raise a family with him! That's all I want ❤️

I started to sing 'when I was your man' by Bruno Mars under my breath. I heard another voice join me. I looked up and saw Phil singing along. His face was facing the floor. After we finished our little duet we both looked at each other. We both were blushing. We burst out laughing.

We talked until we both got tired....

We ended up falling asleep together on my bed.

I could get use to this. I thought

I slowly started falling asleep dreaming of me and Phil.






A/N: so I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter......
Thank you soo much for nearly 300 reads!!
I never expected people to actually read my crappy story........
I will upload another chapter soon. I just need to edit it a bit to make sure it looks all right ❤️


Love you guys ❤️

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