Chapter 9

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Phil's POV

I woke up to see Dan wasn't by my side.

I decided to look for him. I checked the bathroom. No.. The kitchen. No..

I start to panic. This is just like my dream.

I checked in his room with a racing heart. I peered around his door. He was asleep on his bed with his laptop beside him.

Awww he looked adorable!

Bloody hell! Phil pull yourself together. He will never like you!! EVER!

Well a person can only dream

I looked over to Dan and his face was red. Had he been crying?


I walked over to him to move laptop of his lap and his screen was still on.

It had his tumblr inbox open.

It was open on a message from someone saying:


I hate you. I hate everything about you. You're ugly, stupid and worthless. Phil on the other hand is perfect. You took Phil away from me! He's mine. He loves me. You ruined it by being a shit head!! Back the hell off. If you think for one second you an have my Philly, think again. I'm gonna make your life a living hell!! I'm gonna make sure you're gone. I don't need a competition, well you're not much of a competition. See you're ugly, fat, worthless and pathetic and I'm beautiful, amazing, smart and athletic. Also don't even say "I didn't ruin it" or whatever. That's bullshit. Oh by the way it's Emily. You're gonna wish that you never messed with me. Ok bitch.

Also go die!


I gasped.

I put his laptop back and ran into my room.

Tears were stinging my eyes. Did he believe any of this. I hate her!!

I sat on my bed looking at my wall until I heard Dan wake up. I sat in bed on my laptop trying to forget those things.

Dans POV

I was with Phil, but yet I couldn't get asleep. Thoughts were clouding my mind and I found myself in deep thought.

Friends don't lie together.
Does this mean something.

No! Dan as if!

I hate my brain at times.

I heard my laptop ding from my room. I got up quietly to check it.

I grabbed my laptop and sat in bed. It was tumblr.


I hate you. I hate everything about you. You're ugly, stupid and worthless. Phil on the other hand is perfect. You took Phil away from me! He's mine. He loves me. You ruined it by being a shit head!! Back the hell off. If you think for one second you an have my Philly, think again. I'm gonna make your life a living hell!! I'm gonna make sure you're gone. I don't need a competition, well you're not much of a competition. See you're ugly, fat, worthless and pathetic and I'm beautiful, amazing, smart and athletic. Also don't even say "I didn't ruin it" or whatever. That's bullshit. Oh by the way it's Emily. You're gonna wish that you never messed with me. Ok bitch.

Also go die!


I felt tears slipped down my face. I can't believe she said that. I know it's true though. I sat there and cried. I cried and cried for hours until there were no more tears left to cry. My eyelids started feeling heavy and slowly I slipped into a deep sleep filled with negativity and broken dreams.

*following morning*

I woke up and my eyes felt sore. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked awful. Well I always looked awful but some how I looked even worse. My eyes were red and baggy. I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. My face was pale and blotchy red. My hair was sticking up in various places. My hair looked like a goddamn hedgehog. I had a huge headache and I felt as if I was gonna throw up. I really didn't want to face the world today. I need to though. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I splashed my face with water. Nothing changed.

Screw it!

I walked out into the living room and sat on the sofa. Is Phil awake?

I decided to go check his room. I knocked before entering.

Knock knock!

"Come in" he mumbled from the other side.

"Hi" I said sheepishly. I felt nervous for some reason.

"Dan, are you ok? You look really ill" he asked concerned. My stomach lurched. That's why I felt nervous.

I nodded but inside I felt like I was dying. Maybe I am coming down with something.

"No you're not. Go lie down and today I'll look after you ok" he said determinedly.

I nodded and trudged back to my room and lay down on my bed feeling like hell had slapped me in the face and punched me in the gut.

A/N: I hoped you liked that crappy chapter. Right now its 1 am so don't blame me. The next chapter will be about Phil looking after Dan so look forward to that! Love you guys!

Bye: Kayleigh 💕 x

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