Chapter 12

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Phil's POV

*three weeks later*

I've noticed that Dan has started getting thinner and is not eating that much. It's really starting too worry me. I need to speak to him. I stood up from my bed and went into Dan's room. His door was closed so I knocked. "Come in" I heard from the other side of the door. I walked in and I wanted to cry. Dan was lay there. He's looked so pale and fragile, like he would break of you lay a finger on him, and he was shivering like crazy. "Dan when was the last time you ate?" I asked. He glared at me. "What does it matter to you Phil!" He shouted. I was shocked at his tone. "Dan I care for you, I really do" I said, my voice breaking slightly from trying to hold back my emotion. He scoffed. "Sure Phil." He said angrily. He stood up and instantly fell to the ground. I ran over to him. "Dan" I shouted. I held him in my arms and he looked up at me. "What" he said bitterly. "Dan you need to eat something! Everyone is worried about you!" I shouted not bothering to hide my emotion. "I don't care Phil! I want to be perfect!" He screamed. "Dan listen and listen clear.. You need to eat! Do you know how many text messages I've had asking if you're ok?" He looked at me "no Phil I don't and I don't care! I don't need to eat!" I looked at him "Dan I'm worried about you! You can't even stand up properly without falling back down!" He scoffed again "Phil you don't control my life!" He pushed me off him. The argument continued until I left his room. I'm so scared! My best friend might die and I can't help him.

*one month later*

Arguments like that happened everyday now. It's 12 am and I'm really tired. I lay down in bed and instantly fell asleep.

Dan's POV

Me and Phil haven't stopped arguing and I can't take it anymore. I packed my bag and wrote a note:


I'm sorry. I know that you're really worried about me. I'm going to be at someone's house. See you soon! I'll be back home when I'm a bit better!

Dan x

I folded it up and walked into his room. He was asleep. I placed it next to his bed and left. I walked to the front door. This is it. I shakily opened it and left. I wanted to run back in but I couldn't. I need to get better for Phil. I called Chris and asked if I could stay at his and he agreed. I called for a taxi and headed to Chris' house.

When I got there Chris ran out to me. He hugged me and took me inside. "Hi Dan so tell why did you want to stay here?" He asked. I explained to him. "Don't you think Phil's worried about you Dan." He has a point. "Dan listen every friendship has arguments and it makes the friendship stronger! You know how? Because it proves that even after arguing you can keep the friendship up. It proves that the friendship is clearly too strong to be broken! So why should yours be broken." He said. Oh my god I've been so stupid. "Thanks Chris" I said. "No problem buddy just make sure you go and talk to Phil in the morning" I nodded and he left telling me to get some sleep.

*the next day*

I woke up and checked the time on my phone. 9:50 am was the time displayed on my phone. I got up and made sure all my stuff was in my bag and wrote a note to Chris:

Hey Chris,
Thanks for letting me stay but I'm off now to talk to Phil. I'll tell you how it goes. Thanks for helping! I was good seeing you..


I walked quietly out of the house and headed back home nervously.

A/N: ahh trouble in paradise. More drama soon and also some surprises, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did then vote. See you soon! - Kayleigh x

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