Chapter 13

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Phil's POV

*night before*

I woke up needing to pee. TMI I know.
I walk through the hallway. I pass Dan's room and notice that his lights off and his door is slightly ajar. I peek inside seeing if he's in there. It's too dark, damn it! I knock... No reply. I head into his room and see a note lay on his dresser addressed to me. My heart starts pounding in my chest as I pick it up with caution. It says:


I'm sorry. I know that you're really worried about me. I'm going to be at someone's house. See you soon! I'll be back home when I'm a bit better!

Dan x

I felt something warm trickle down my face. Soon rivers of tears streamed down my face blurring my vision. I wipe my eyes and walk to my room. I sit on my bed and read over the letter a billion times just to make sure I read it right. I guess it's right. He's left me. Just like everyone else has. I cry, silently at first, and then let every emotion loose. I grab the nearest object to me and throw it at the wall. I hear a loud shatter. I look up and see my old lamp on the ground in millions of pieces. I cry even more. I feel so angry. Its all my fault. I punch my wall leaving a dent. I dropped down to the floor. My heart drops as I realise he's gone. Maybe even for good. I hug my knees to my chest. I feel anger bubble up inside me and I can't hold it in. I run around the house throwing anything breakable that gets in my way. I flop down on the couch, all the energy drained out of me. I look around me and see what I've caused. I wanted to cry but I feel to numb. I walk back to my room. I flip my light off and bury myself under my blanket. I try to fall asleep but I can't. I toss and turn trying to get comfortable, before giving up and grabbing my mac. Binge watching anime.

Dan's POV

*next day*

Sorry guys, I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to continue this right now. Don't worry, i will be coming back to this story! I'm kind of done with everything. All the messages and hate I get is too much for me to handle right now. Also all my friends are bailing on me. I'm stuck in a bit of a rut at the minute. I'm done. Sorry. I will be finishing this story. Just not right now. I will update when I'm better. I'm still upset over the death of one of my friends, that will never stop hurting. I just hope all of you will stay by me through all of this. I hope you understand that I'm hurting. I love you guys so much. Bye x

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