Chapter 10

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Shoutout to youtubedangirl for being amazing. Follow her now ❤️
Dans POV

Phil's offered to look after me. I'm nervous. What if he notices the newer cuts from a few days ago. Will be be disappointed?

I lay in bed with my laptop on my lap. I had a new message in my inbox. I'll read that later.

Phil came into my room with a tray full of random crap. I smiled at him and he beamed back at me. How is it physically possible for someone to be so attractive.

He walked over to me and sat down beside me. "Soup?" He offered. I nodded my head and ate the soup. Mmm warm soup. This soup is very good. "Thanks" Phil said. Crap did I say that out loud? "Yes Dan you did" he laughed. I laughed along too.

We watched TV and I took some painkillers.
"Phil?" I asked quietly. He looked at me. "I- umm-" my palms were sweating. I nearly said I liked him. "I'm tired" I blurted out. He giggled quietly. "Ok Dan I'll leave you too sleep text or call me if you need anything" he left the room quietly.

I'm not even tired. I just couldn't think of anything else to say. I decided to open up that message. It said:


I see you didn't listen to me last time. Haha wrong choice pretty boy.

So what you gonna do Dan. Don't know? Here's a suggestion. Die!

From your favourite person ever,

Tears burned my eyes. I clicked her profile. It was a whole page about how much she hated me. She had 5k followers.

'Adriancookie said: Dans a pathetic attention seeking faggot.'

'Celesteshug said: @adriancookie i know right 😂'

'Phancakes said: @adriancookie @celesteshug shut the hell up. What has Dan ever done too you? Dan is amazing! Leave him the hell alone.

'Adriancookie said: @phancakes shut up you slut! Stop acting like you know Dan! He's a waste of space. Get it through your thick skull.'

'Phancakes said: @adriancookie you little shit! You know what I'm not even gonna bother with you anymore. You're just am arrogant prick with no life.

I was crying now. Not just because of those haters but that someone actually defended me.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. I cried until my throat hurt and my lungs burned. I cried until there were no more tears left to cry. I HATE myself.

I lay face down into pillow. My cheeks soaked with tears.
Why me?

Phil's POV

I walked past Dan's room and heard light sobs. Is Dan alright? I decided to check on him.

I carefully opened his door. He was lay face down into his pillow. My precious Dan. I walked over to him and gently sat by him. "Dan?" I asked gently placing my hand in his back. "Phil" he said in tears.

I wonder what's wrong? I'll ask!
"What's up Dan?" I asked. He sighed and sat up. He pointed to his laptop. There was a message open on tumblr. I read it.

"There's another one and there's a whole page about how much she hates me" he sobbed. I pulled him into a hug. "Dan, shhh, calm down, I can't handle seeing you like this" I said rubbing his back to calm him. He sobbed into my shoulder.

I heard his sobs get lighter and lighter. He pulled away and smiled lightly. "Thank you Phil" he said, his voice slightly raspy. I smiled back with a big smile.

Dans POV

"Thank you Phil" I said, my voice slightly raspy. He smiled at me with a huge grin.

I pulled him into a huge hug. I held him in my arms and felt safe. I felt care free and painless. He's my world and I don't know what I would do without him.

I let him go and we looked into each others eyes. We got closer and closer until.......

A/N: Haha cliffhanger! Oops sorry not sorry. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you did then I'm glad. Thanks for over 800 reads as well!

Bye! Kayleigh x

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