"Scott told us you made out with him."

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June 4, 1998

Nathan wasn't in school today. Yesterday, I walked home from school with Scott. We stopped at his house and jumped on his trampoline, and then I walked home. [Trampolines were/are so much fun.]

Today in school, Matt said in front of his friends, "Have fun at Scott's house, Emily?" I just shrugged. He said, "Scott told us you made out with him." I was like, "WHAT?!" Matt started to laugh. I ran up to Scott and asked him about it, but he denied ever saying anything.

Today after school, Nathan called. He said, "What did you do with Scott?" I said, "Oh, my gosh, I didn't do anything with Scott. You don't think I did, do you?" "No! No." "I mean, really. Scott?!" [Poor Scott.]

We talked about Zach and Matt in negative ways for a while. Nathan thinks exactly the same way I do. It's really cool. After about 15 minutes, he said he had to go. "Should I call you back?" He asked. I said, "Um... yeah, okay."

But then my sister got on the phone and stayed on all night, so even if he did call, he wouldn't be able to get through. [I guess this was before the days of call waiting.] I think I really love Nathan. He would never hurt me like Zach did.

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