Matt hooked up with Lisa, which just shows what sluts they both are!

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March 19, 2000

Today is Sunday. Last night there was a party at Jenna's grandparents' house, which was really fun! The party was in the family room and also in the basement, where there are pool tables. It was my first party being single in a while, and I loved it. I didn't hook up with anyone, but I flirted with almost everyone there! Steven was doing this thing, like picking me up upside-down and then dropping me on the couch. He called it "powerbombing" me. [It's amazing what passed for flirting in 8th grade.]

I brought a camera and took a ton of pictures. Matt hooked up with Lisa, which just shows what sluts they both are! [I think this is the first time I have called a boy a slut. At least I was being fair in my distribution of slutty blame... right?] Catherine and Hunter were all over each other the entire night, and Stacy was really upset. But she tried to have fun anyway, and I have to give her credit for that.

Tyler couldn't go to the party, but he and I are friends now, which makes me happy. I really love him as a person and I do not want to lose him in my life. We're better off as friends, so that's what we'll be, I guess.

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