Rules To Live By

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May 24, 2000

Never be mean to someone who doesn't deserve it, or is never mean to you.

If someone you're in a relationship with makes you cry more than you would otherwise, stick to otherwise.

Always keep a diary, so you can look back and see how you've changed. [For example, what I'm doing right now.]

Don't reminisce too much, or you'll be depressed.

Try to look people in the eye when you talk with them.

Don't cry in front of a lot of people, because they'll think you just want attention. Crying alone or with a friend is more therapeutic.

Never buy junk.

Don't complain about things that can be fixed - fix them.

Always expect the worst, in order to jinx it into not happening.

Don't boast, because then people will expect too much from you and will be disappointed.

Although looks are not everything, they are a first impression.

Don't eat out of boredom. [For example... what I'm doing right now.]

Laugh at yourself.

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