Warnings For The Intolerant

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HEY!!! ALphaSilvermist05 here! This, my friends, is a Sebaciel fanfic. If you have read my Keyshipping story, I mention in one of the recent chapters that I had the intentions of making a Sebaciel due to the fact that Black Butler season 3 is coming to Netflix next week. Now, I have never mentioned this to you all, but I am now (putting it in my bio): I am a BIIIIIIIIIG supporter and fan of Mpreg (male pregnancy) and I am an EVEN BIGGER fan of Sebastian Mpreg. So naturally, I am gonna make one of those. So just a warning: if you don't like any of those, get out now!!!!! I don't want you here harassing me or any other readers of this story. You're not doing anyone any good hounding them. Be like Bob: He sees something he doesn't like on the Internet. What does Bob do?

Bob shuts the fuck up about it and never goes to that page again.

Just because you don't like something doesn't give you the right to take it away from other people who do. This goes for other fandoms as well. Treat those writers with respect. They worked hard to it those chapters up for the entertainment of other people.
Well, that's enough of that for now! Remember, be good, my lil demons, and enjoy the first chapter!
. Love,
. ALphaSilvermist05

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