Twisted Plots

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         This chapter, along with explaining what Sebastian has in mind to escape Ciel, also delves into what exactly happened on the night he got pregnant. It's nothing smutty or NSFW, but it's also not exactly clean either. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

"So...he's found me again, hm?" Sebastian mused, cradling his snoozing daughter tightly in his arms, a large pit forming in his stomach.

     When Seeley and Tempeste had brought up the news that the father of his child had been able to locate him again somehow, it had felt like someone had pitched a brick into Sebastian's abdomen. His heart had stopped for a split second, and he had blanched noticeably, growing numb from his fingertips to his toes. He couldn't believe his contractor had found him so quickly, as he was sure that he had covered every single step they had taken. Fear immediately rushed to his veins, afraid of what might happen to him when Ciel captured him, or worse, what he'd do to their daughter. However, he was determined to stay strong for his little Selene, and had forced himself to toughen up, and take the blow. The demon had to be ready and plan his next move, determined to keep Ciel at bay, unable to face him without coming up with a way to introduce his own daughter to him.

     "Yes...and he plans to arrive in no less than two days," Tempeste says, the concern etched all over her face. "Meaning you'll have to work fast if you want to keep eluding him."

     "I know...the plan was to head to Wisconsin, and that will take an eternity." He sighed. "I didn't think he would find me so quickly...I suppose he is a lot more desperate than I imagined."

    "Who knows," Seeley shrugged, "perhaps you were his favorite servant?"

    Sebastian jeered at him, knowing that that was just ridiculous.

    "His favorite?" he snickered coldly, rocking his sleeping daughter in his arms. "Don't make me laugh...the highest thought he had of me was being his loyal mutt. He is cruel, and he has no love to give to anyone other than his wife. Even then, he only loves her as family, the poor woman. She's loved him all her life." 

    How heartbroken Elizabeth would be, he thought, if she had ever found out that Ciel had sired a child with another? And on the night before their wedding? Sebastian's thoughts unwillingly flitted back to the night before, painfully reliving those moments once more.


     He remembered how messy the manor had been, with drunk acquaintances of his master stumbling all over the place, tripping over their own feet, stumbling into walls. How the air had been tainted with the stench of vomit, making him have the servants carry their wasted guests to their chambers or their carriages along with their wives.

     Sebastian had remembered how busy he had been, working hard into the night even after the other buffoons had retired for the night, working his hands away as he scrubbed and scraped and dried dishes and countertops so they would gleam brilliantly in the sunlight the next morning. He remembered how he had frozen up when he felt his master, inebriated, push up behind him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

    "My dearrr," he had slurred huskily in his ear, sending shivers down his spine as he grasped the demon's hand ever so gently, "why must you eveer wear out yoourr beautiful handss sso?"

     His words had stirred something within Sebastian, but he refused to let his master sway him in such a manner. The demon wriggled out of his hold, shaking his head, telling his master that he didn't know what he was doing, that he was drunk, that he was to be married tomorrow and that pursuing a man was immoral.

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