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       I'm back, bruh!! So here is the new story chapter:

             Sebastian started crying again, cradling his daughter closer to him. She had her father's eyes, and he didn't even know she existed. He knew he couldn't work here anymore; if he tried to hide her, she would be found out in no time. Since Ciel was a demon now, he would be able to smell her scent: that of a newborn and of his family (Sebastian once told him that demon families had different types of scents; the one Ciel could smell on him was the scent of the Royal Family of Hell.) Since Sebastian's child came from a mother of Royal blood (no not like Grimm Royals), she would have that distinct smell. Ciel would be able to detect it in no time, and if that happened....Sebastian didn't want to know.
"What are you going to do?" Ariadne asked him, as if she sensed his thoughts.
"I..I don't know."
The little girl cooed and gurgled in her mother's arms, making their hearts melt with joy. It felt so different to Sebastian, being a mother now. It felt so different and exciting and terrifying at the same time. He had no idea how to be one, no instructions had been provided, no one taught him anything, no one was going to do it for him. But he knew that he was going to handle it. Sebastian knew his little girl was going to grow up to be successful. With Ciel or not, he would do it himself, the best he could.
               "Are you going to...y'know...take her to see her grandparents? I mean, she's technically a princess, isn't she?" Ariadne asked cautiously, as to not have him burst out.

               "If the measures there weren't so drastic, she'd be an illegitimate child, born out of wedlock. But since I'm the first and only heir to the throne, they'll accept her as a princess." Sebastian  explained tiredly. "But I will not take her there."
               "Well why not?" Grell inquired, confused. "Won't she and you be safer there?"
               "And don't you have other older siblings too?" Ariadne said.
              The demon sighed. "Yes," he answered, " however, those are half siblings,they are the ones my mother had with other men. I am the first son of the King of Hell, Lucifer. As for my daughter, they'll want her coronated as Princess of Hell right away, and I don't want that. I don't want her to act a certain way just because everyone expects her to. I want to wait until she is old enough and mature enough to decide for herself whether she wants to be crowned princess or not. She should be who she wants to be, not shaped by royalty." He sat up straighter, and tightened his hold around his daughter slightly, telling whoever looked at him that the child he was holding in his arms was his, and he wasn't about to give her up to anybody.
              "If I were to take her there, she would be snatched out of my hands as soon as my father and stepmother found out who she was. But she isn't their daughter, she is my daughter. I'm her mother, and therefore, I will see what is fit for her and what isn't. No one else has that privilege but me. Not. Even. Her. Father."
            Sebastian's words stunned the two. Not even Ciel? That was when they knew that he was being dead serious (as if he wasn't already). Or very over protective. It was clear though, that he wasn't about to give up his baby without a fight. If he wasn't willing to let even Ciel, the father of this baby, even look at her...all they had to say was, he was definitely going to be a good mother. Maybe a little strict, but a superb one indeed.
" Maybe I might come around one day and let her meet her father," Sebastian murmured, delicately caressing his daughter's cherub face with his index. "But that is not today. I can't stay here, he would find this child in no time. I don't want to stay in London either, the chances of us running into each other are too great. I want to leave England and go to the Americas. I don't want anything to do with England. I want to go somewhere new and start fresh, new life, where I am free from orders and able to dedicate my time to my daughter."
" I can handle that!" Ariadne squealed. She was of Mexican blood, but moved to America when she was two. Ever since then, she had started a new pack there. " My family and I can make sure you and your baby are safest. We know a place in Wisconsin, if you'd like."
"Wisconsin?" Sebastian asked, puzzled. "Is that one of the many states in the United States of America ( I didn't put 50 states because if Ciel was nineteen, their daughter would be born in 1894. There were only 44 states in the U.S in 1894.)?"
" Um, just the U.S.A would be fine, and yes, it is." Ariadne giggled. "When would you like to depart?"
" In about 7 hours, if possible."
The shock was visible on Grell and Aridane's faces as their jaws seemed to hit the floor.
"That soon?" Grell squeaked. Sebastian nodded. Normally, the two would have put up a fuss about such an outrageous request, but he had just given birth and was tired and cranky, they knew better that to fight with him. As a result, they complied with his requests, Grell going to go and pack clothes for him and his baby, Ariadne going with him to get a new pair of clothes for the demon to get into, as well as some blankets, as Sebastian had given birth in January ( January 17, 1894, to be exact. The power of calendar date generators!) and it was still freezing outside.
While they were gone, Sebastian looked down at his baby and realized he hadn't named her yet. A person isn't really a person if they don't have their name. They would never be recognized, always be invisible, just someone there, alone in the world. That wasn't going to be his darling child.
Her skin was pale as snow, and her nails black as night. Her hair was as soft as silk, and her azure eyes shone in the lunar light. Her lips had the color of a light pink, all her features making her shine as bright as the moon. In that moment, he knew exactly what to call her.
"I thought of a name for you, little one," he whispered to his baby, making her break into tinkling little giggles.
"Let's hear it," Grell said, as she and Ariadne stepped back into the wine cellar where the mother and his baby were waiting. Sebastian smiled wearily, on the verge of sleep.
"She shines radiantly like a blue moon," he said softly, lying down and placing his daughter gently on his chest do that she could feed.
"So her name shall be Selene." ~

HOW WAS DAT, MY FELLOW READERS??? Did you like the name I gave her? I searched it up on le Google and it was Greek, the name of the moon goddess ( who also goes by Artemis), and it fit the description I had in mind of her perfectly. ( I also thought she might look a little like Selene from the Underworld series, but I found that out after I wrote this chapter. A pic is up there.). So comment and review, please, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sayonara!

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