A New Look

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        The new Chapter is up, y'all!

                   The scissors snipped, and the black locks fell to the ground, spreading out lightly as they hit the floor. They covered the floor like ebony raven feathers softly littering the earth. The last lock was cut.
                  "You're done," Ariadne spoke, placing the scissors on the counter. Sebastian looked in the mirror and drew in an excited breath. He could hardly recognize himself; the man in the mirror staring back at him was a total stranger. His long, black strands were gone, and he now donned a short, sharp (idk I would say bad-boy kind of a look 😂😂) hairstyle.
              "Oh, Sebas-chan," Grell gushed dramatically, "you're just driving me insane with that new hairstyle!"
               "I'll bet I am," Sebastian muttered. Ariadne placed her hands on his shoulders.
               "Do you like it?" She asked him.
               "Very," he replied, smiling a little. "I can't even recognize myself."
               Ariadne laughed. "Well," she started, "you are starting over new, aren't you? And if you can't recognize yourself, I'm willing to bet esè guey won't either."
               "Good for me," Sebastian said. He turned to Grell, who was holding Selene in her arms. "Can I have her now, please?" he asked her, stretching his arms out. Grell nodded, and put the baby in his arms. She looked up, curious, but soon recognized his scent, and snuggled soundly in his arms.
              He spent a moment gazing at her, watching her play with her tiny fingers, twisting them and wringing them. She made soft little baby sounds as she did, and caught her mother's eyes again. She stared deeply into them, trying to gaze deep into his soul. Selene then cracked into a small fit of getting giggles and smiles, and it spread like a disease. First Sebastian, then Grell, and finally Ariadne.
               It wasn't until Sebastian had her suckling on his teat that he had realized what she'd done.
               "You little devil!" he exclaimed, smiling a little as she laughed; she knew that she'd been caught. Selene knew that it was pointless to give up, so she was still when her mother moved her away from his breast.
                "Did she...?" Grell trailed off, and Sebastian nodded.
             "Wow," Ariadne stated, and Sebastian agreed. He couldn't believe it. Not only did his little girl have powers, but she was harnessing them already, and they were already very powerful.
            "You're something else, aren't you?" he cooed at his daughter, who responded by shaking the new rattle Grell had brought back for her from England. The demon nuzzled his face in hers gently, and she squealed and broke into fits of laughter and grins. She bumped his head softly with the toy, and tinkling noises were made as she shrieked, finding her actions quite comical. Her mother and guardians did as well, simpering at her lovingly as she shook away at her plaything.
"She's so adorable," Grell sighed, and Sebastian agreed.
"Will this affect her in any way?" Ariadne asked him curiously. "Like, would it be easier to identify her by this...power she has?"
"I think so...I mean, certain abilities do run down the family of Hell. If she has one of those specific abilities or more, then a nearby messenger or demon or whatever might notice, and could report back to my father..."
"Huh," Grell leaned down and bopped Selene's nose. "You know what that means, don't you darling? We're going to have to teach you not to do that in public."
A knock came through the door, and Grell went up to answer it. She seemed to be talking to a sailor, and after a few minutes, she came back with a bright smile on her face.
"We've hit the docks," she told them, and they started to get their things packed back in their cases. Selene gurgled all through their actions, and the three were quick to dress and doll Grell up again in a noble fashion. The group followed her out the door, wrapping up the baby nice and snug in a little blanket.
"Thank you," Grell said to the men unloading their luggage. The men laughed. "Yer very welcome, miss!" One of them replied happily. "Have a g'day in America!"
Selene gasped with wondrous eyes and made cooing sounds, trying to make futile attempts to point at the Statue of Liberty. The man grinned. "That's the Statue Liberty o'er there, munchkin, given to us by the good ol' French, nice fellows they are. I'm sure yer auntie will teach you more later on." He winked, and her lips spread open joyfully.
Grell laughed. "Well, we've got to be on our way now, but thank you again, darling!" She told him. He saluted. "Yer very welcome, m'lady! Y'all have a good one now."
"You too," She responded, and they were off. Ariadne knew a friend in New York who got them a carriage ride with no charge to drive them to his inn. It was a long ride, and the streets were crowded, but a while later, they arrived at Seeley's Inn (fuck I've been watching too much Bones XD).
It was a decent building, two stories, with a big sign on the front with Seeley's name on it. Out on the window was a sign, 'VACANT', it read. The carriage stopped outside, and a woman at the window who seemed to be making bread took notice. She seemed to head in the back of her kitchen, and after a few moments, returned with a big, brusque man. He had big hands, like the ones of a wood cutter, with short, brown hair, and a hint of stubble on his face. The woman had the palms of a baker and a perfect jawline, with beautiful brunette locks waterfalling on the sides of her face. Her smile was oddly comforting, and her eyes were the color of honey.
"Hello, Ariadne!" Seeley boomed, putting is arm around the woman. "Long time no see!" Ariadne went up and shook his hand.
"Hi, Seeley, it certainly has been a while!" She responded cheerfully, going over to embrace the woman as well. "It's nice to see you again too, Tempeste (lol I didn't want too much Bones to influence this story so I changed Temperance to Tempeste)."
"It really has been too long," she replied, a voice firm and confident, but gentle as well. She saw the demon and reaper get off and start going to the back to get their things unloaded from the carriage, the man with the short, raven hair struggling to carry a suitcase with one arm and hold a baby with the other.
"Oh!" Ariadne rushed over and took over Selene, Sebastian giving her a grateful smile. Seeley walked over, reached out and grabbed the cases from his grasp.
"Let me help you with that," he said. "I'm Seeley, by the way. You must be Sebastian. Ariadne has told me about your current situation."
"Yes," Sebastian replied, grabbing another smaller one. "Thank you for letting us stay here a while; it's been a bit hard lately, being on the move for a while."
"Heh, I know how that feels," the innkeeper grunted, setting the weight down in front of his inn door. "I was with the military once. So was Tempeste; I smuggled her in since they didn't allow women in there. We did many a secret missions; all of em were as dangerous as the last. We'd spend months, even years, running for our lives. We quit once we had our daughter; we'd realized there is so much more to go for in life than just spending it being being a soldier. Now we are where we always should have been in the first place: right at home."
              "You have a daughter as well?"
              Seeley laughed. "Yep," he replied. "We named her Christa. A beautiful lil thing she is. Looks just like her mother." He glanced over lovingly at Tempeste as he said that. He suddenly turned back to Sebastian. "Is that why you left?" ~

Okay, I'm going to leave off there for now. So how are you liking the story so far? I may have been watching Bones a bit too much lately (until Grimm comes out on DVD again) so excuse me for the Bones influenced names XD. I'll put a disclaimer for Black Butler and Bones as well. However, it is only names. The actual characters aren't in this, for it's not a crossover (in case anyone got confused). Next chapter: Sebastian's response to Seeley's question, and stuff back at the manor as well. Hope you enjoyed! Comment and review please! Sayonara!


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