Time's Up

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Lmao back!

The phone rang at nine in the morning, just after the inn opened up. Seeley was busy with the masses and hordes of customers, so Tempeste was out back in the office, doing paperwork and taking phone reservations. The demon and his daughter were upstairs with the witch, discussing their next course of events in their journey to Wisconsin. As much as they enjoyed being with the Bones, they knew they couldn't stay there forever. The group would have to get going sooner or later.

       The office phone rang, and Tempeste made haste to answer.
       "Seeley's Inn, how can we help you?" She inquired, and an elderly man's voice responded politely.
       "Good morning," he greeted, "I am Tanaka, butler to the Phantomhive Family. I call to make a reservation on behalf of my master, Ciel Phantomhive."
      Tempeste got out the reservation form, not knowing that Tanaka was the butler of the clueless but vengeful father of Selene, Ciel Phantomhive. She asked for every detail pertaining and relevant to the reservation.
       "Alrighty then, that seems to be all," she concluded, straightening the forms. "We'll see you in...two days, yes?"
       "That's correct, my lady."
       "Okay. Thank you for choosing Seeley's Inn, and have a safe, wonderful trip here!"
        "The Master is very grateful, my lady. Thank you, and have a good day."
        The phone clicked, signaling the other man had hung up already. Tempeste did the same, and finished up the files she was working on before leaving the office and scouting for her husband, who looked utterly pooped.
        "I'm guessing it was quite the crowd," she chuckled, cocking her head at him.
         Seeley gave a hearty, exhausted laugh and smiled. "You bet," he said, looking down at the room list. "We've got the entire inn full. It's fine though, as most of them are one nighters anyway, so it's not as much work."
        "Good," she said, handing him the reservation file. "Cuz we've got a registration in, and by the looks of it, it's a rich noble. Probably an aristocrat or something." 
        "Really now?" He asked in disbelief, looking down at the paper. "Hey, Phantomhive. Isn't that the owner of that confection/ toy company? Funtom or something?"
      "Why, you're right, Seeley!" She exclaimed, gasping loudly. She put her hand over her mouth, eyes as big as saucers. They've had many wealthy customers and well known members of society come in for a stay, but a CEO? From Britain, of one of the most successful companies in the world?  It left them quite astounded, to say the least, and, come to think of it, suspicious as well.

       "As exciting as it seems," Seeley began, putting a hand on his chin stubble, rubbing it quizzically, "doesn't it seem to be kinda strange? That someone so very high in status and of utmost importance in the business setting would choose such a low key place like us, don't you think? I mean, nobles don't usually go to tiny little inns like us."

       "You've got a point," Tempeste agreed, taking the paper in her hands again. "I mean, the really  rich ones go to hotels, not inns.  And in this part of New York, they'd for sure go to the DeLareux, seeing as it's all posh and perfect over there. Makes you think they're coming over here with some sort of motive, don't ya think?" she grilled, her military mind breaking through, her highly observant and strategic way of processing things taking over, the need to analyze things closely beginning to take hold.

       Even after four years out of the military, Tempeste's brilliantly refined mind and trained ability to sense when something seemed even the slightest bit obscure did not even come close to fading away.

       Seeley wracked his mind, trying to come up with anything that would even hint the slightest connection to this situation. He forged and rummaged, nothing seeming to give any sort of clue or hint, until...

     "...I was nothing more than a servant back where I came from, mother to the daughter of a married earl."

    Sebastian. The noble was looking for Sebastian.

      "He's after Sebastian, Tempe," he said suddenly, everything suddenly piecing together perfectly like a puzzle. "Why else? Ariadne told us they'd run off behind his back, and she told us he was probably his favorite, as he was able to do pretty much anything impeccably."

      "Of course," she whispered, "that's why he must've gone through all this trouble, and chosen such a low-key space. He somehow figured out that Sebastian was here..."

      "I must imagine his rage, losing his best worker so suddenly without explanation," Seeley looked over at his wife curiously. "Ya think he knows about Selene? I mean, it is  his baby, and if he figured out where Sebastian is, who knows what else he could've dug up."

         Tempeste looked over at him, starting to go for the stairs. "Honestly, I'm not too sure. We barely know a thing about him other than what we've already been able to figure out ourselves. But for now, we should let the others know about this dreaded Phantomhive's stay."~

         Okay, I know this chapter really wasn't much of anything except dialogue, but it's crucial to the plot, so just bear wiv me, alright? I promise the next chapter will be more exciting. Stay tuned: What will Sebastian do now that he has so little time to escape? You'll see in the next chapter! Comment and review, please! Hoped you enjoyed reading! Sayonara!

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