A Mother's Love

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Hai guys, I'm back from Dramaland, and yes, this is the next chapter! 😊

"Is that why you left?"
Sebastian dropped the suitcases lightly and pondered into deep thought. He looked over at Ariadne, who was currently holding Selene, showing her to Tempeste, who was fawning over the precious child. Was that why he left?
He thought back to when he first held her in his arms. A wave of color and warmth had rushed over him, just overwhelming him with joy and laughter every as he looked down at her, with tears in his eyes. She was so tiny and so fragile, and he suddenly felt the immense need to protect her from everything, to shield her with himself, to make sure she never got hurt. It confused him; scared him, as he had never felt such powerful feelings before, for anyone ever. The feeling was new and peculiar, making him feel weak in a way.
The demon had always been more powerful of the four quadruplets, but the more dramatic of the ones as well. Always taking things so hard, wanting everything perfect, worried about first impressions. However, he always refused to cry in front of anyone, unless it was his half sister, Diablo, but still, he shed his tears unknowingly. Never showing an ounce of weakness unless he was completely alone, he always wanted wanted to seem strong and powerful, so no matter what anyone did or said, he vowed to himself never to be brought down, never show weakness, and never let emotions belittle him. Sebastian kept cold and stoic for most of his entire life.
But now, here he was, weeping tears of joy as he held his new and precious little daughter in his arms. He had remembered his vows, however here he was now, feeling weak at heart, knowing that without a word this child could bring him down to his knees. Why? Because he loved her. He loved her like he loved no other person in the entire world. He would do anything for his little girl, he would give up his life for her, for she was his, and he would forever be hers. In that moment, he felt like he understood the whole concept of motherly love.
He knew what was best for her, and that wasn't to stay hidden in the Phantomhive manor her whole life. Selene had beautiful wings, in desperate need of spreading, and keeping her caged in some birdcage wasn't going to help her do it. She needed to be free, and the manor was anything but. Sebastian wanted his little girl to live her life her own way, so he ran off in hopes to find a better life with her and for her.
Sebastian looked at Selene with utter love in his eyes, and then back at Seeley.
"Yes," he said confidently, feeling a surge of power in his heart. "Yes, it is. I was nothing more than a servant back where I came from, mother to the daughter of a married earl. If I had stayed there, I would have had to keep her hidden. She probably would have never seen the light of day. My little darling has wings to spread and talent to show off, and she isn't about to do it there. I brought her here in hopes of finding s better life for her and I, where she can do what she wants and be who she wants to be. That's what I want for her. I hope she knows that someday."
"They're always a bit tough to handle, especially when they get older," Seeley said, looking over at his wife and Ariadne. "But they'll understand. The sacrifices our parents make for us are never in vain. They always pay off somehow, and yours certainly will someday, I know it will. No one ever gives up that much and doesn't gain something from it." he added, smiling brightly as the inn door burst open, a two year old little girl with steel gray eyes and hazel hair up to her shoulders, running out towards Seeley.
"Papa!" She squealed, her arms stretched open to embrace her father. Seeley gave a booming laugh, swooping down and picking her up in his arms, twirling her around, making her giggle and laugh with joy. He stopped and held her in his arms, having her face Sebastian.
"Christa," Seeley began, rubbing her arms, "this is our friend, Sebastian. Say hi to him please."
"Hello," she said softly, waving at him, smiling a bit. Sebastian responded back to her and waved as well. She smiles and turned around in her father's arms. "Look at the cute baby, Papa!" She exclaimed, her grin spreading. Seeley chuckled at her excitement.
"She's Sebastian's baby, honey," he said, giving her a closer look.
"Wow," she said, looking from Sebastian to Selene several times. "She looks just like you," she told him.
"Does she now?" He asked, a bit flushed. He took a look at her himself and found Christa's words true. She had his same black hair and black nails, and the same facial structure as well, which would begin to show once her chubby features wore off. It's almost as if Sebastian had been born again.
"Come," Tempeste said, clasping her hands together softly. "Let's get you inside now, shall we?"
"Sounds great," Sebastian said, picking up his share of baggage and heading inside with the rest of them. ~

So how was that? I'm sorry I was out, I've been having some problems lately and haven't really been able to get on enough. I hope this makes up for it, and I'll be updating the Keyshipping fanfic as well. Next chapter: drama in the Phantomhive household. What shall Ciel do? Stay tune. Comment and review please! Sayonara!

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