Plays of Tragedy

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The search had gone on for two days.
"If he isn't found here," Ciel told the search party, "then I'm contacting the German embassy and see if they can find him there. Then I'll go to the Americas, and search every damn state they have, starting with New York!"
If that doesn't work, Ciel thought, gazing at himself in the mirror, looking under his eyepatch to see the mark, I'll use this! He can't resist it...he is my demon. He answers and responds only to me!
His determined attitude to find Sebastian was a bit too much for the servants and Elizabeth. When the servants had reported back for the third time that the party still could not find the butler, he ordered them to look once again, even though he knew that Sebastian could not be found; he just simply wasn't there. He got aggravated when the servants told him that Sebastian had indeed left London and probably abandoned England altogether, refusing to believe that the demon would put his own needs above Ciel's.
When Elizabeth timidly suggested to temporarily replace Sebastian with someone else, Ciel exploded. He had that butler since he was ten years old, and he was a pretty damn good butler as well. The earl did not want to replace Sebastian, for however long it would be. There was no one else like Sebastian, he knew. To replace him was to replace a gemstone with a faux one. It did not last long, and gained many scratches in a short amount of time. They lost their shine too quick, and that's what would happen to anyone who dared take Sebastian's place.
Elizabeth stood there, taking in what sounded to her a ridiculous rant.
"I know it's hard, Ciel," she replied as calmly as she could, "but you can't go on like this forever! I'm not saying replace him for good, but just for a while. And if you can't find him-"
"DO NOT even go there!!!" Ciel spat, frightening his wife even more. "There is no one out there even remotely similar to Sebastian!!" He put his head in his hands, and Elizabeth saw in horror what the stress had caused him.
His eyes were swollen and red from the lack of sleep over the last two days. His hair was messy and unkempt, and he had worn the same, wrinkled clothes for two days. Adrenaline was coursing through him-it was the only thing keeping him awake-a vein visible in his forehead and hands, determined to find the devilish man in black.
"You can't just find someone like Sebastian!!" He rushed on, sounding more and more like a madman. "He is ways you wouldn't understand! He was there for me on that day...and forever on. To think he would leave me like this...I can't lose him. He is a rarity, Elizabeth, a rarity! Don't you see? Don't you see? DON'T YOU SEE??"
Elizabeth stumbled back, shocked and scared. "My god, Ciel," she whispered out breathlessly. Her face suddenly scrunched up in pain and fury, and she opened the door to the outside of their room.
"You're obsessed with him," she seethed, "as if you were in love with him! It almost makes me wonder if there was something going on between you two behind closed doors that I wasn't aware about!" With that, she hurried out and slammed the door, leaving crazed and huffing Ciel alone in his room.

12 hours later:


The servants and Elizabeth stood in silence, petrified at what Ciel had just called the witch maid as he stood staring at the bloody pile of membrane on the table, piles of newspaper underneath it. Pluto had dug it up in the garden; refusing to pull away when Finnian tried to get him away from it. Fed up with the demon hound, Finny had gone to where his head was poking around to see just what was so interesting to Pluto that he wouldn't listen to the gardener. Upon seeing the red, squishy mass, he reeled back it fright, successfully pulling Pluto along with him, reporting to his masters immediately. That's when Elizabeth figured out what it was.

It was a placenta. But what they didn't know was that it wasn't Ariadne's placenta; it was Sebastian's.
"Knocked that little whore up," he muttered nastily, clenching his teeth so much they hurt. "Bet that's why he ran off...why they ran off. Such a fucking gentleman...doing the right thing...see where your devilish ways get you, Sebastian? Have fun with a baby at your hip...when's the wedding?"
Unbeknownst to him and others, a certain flamboyant redhead stood out the window, watching the whole scene unfold in front of her, eyes twinkling with anticipation. She watched as Ciel continued with his rage, swear after swear, curse after curse falling from his mouth like a fountain of venom and hate.
"My, my, how amusing this is," Grell mused, leaning against her chainsaw, her crimson hair cascading around her face like a bloody waterfall. "It's like watching a dramatic play...something Shakespeare would have crafted."
She wrapped Madam Red's coat even tighter around her figure, twirling around as if in a fantasy.
"Lies, deceptions," she mused on, as if she were in a play of her own, "secrets kept hidden from the world, masking the painful truth in sweet rouses; only for things to be unveiled in the most darkest of ways, eventually spiraling down into the depths of sorrow and tragedy."
Grell suddenly leapt high into the trees, away from the window and the manor itself.
"A story ending with tears of blood and cries of tragedy and grief...yes..."
She turned back to face the manor, chartreuse eyes holding glints of mischief and wistfulness, donning a wicked, sharp toothed grin on her face.
"It truly is a die for."~

I AM STILL ALIVE AND I'M SORRY IT'S SO SHORT. I OWE YOU GUYS AND THIS WOULD BE MUCH EASIER TO WRITE IF IT WEREN'T FOR P.E CLASS. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment and review please! Sayonara!

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