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Next chapter is up! This is dedicated to DaeJaeLover88, who thankfully thinks my story is worth reading! You wanted an update, so here you go! 😀

Sebastian watched as Tempeste gingerly played with Selene, who was all smiles and giggles. Seeley and Ariadne were upstairs getting their stuff ready in their rooms. Sebastian had insisted that he help, but they wouldn't hear it.
"You just had a kid," Ariadne had said, placing her hands on her hips. "It's far more important that the two of you spend some bonding time together."
     Tempeste looked up. "Sorry," she said sheepishly, cradling Selene in her arms as she walked towards her mother. "It's been a while since I've held Christa like so, and, well..."
She handed her over to Sebastian, who smiled and whispered a thank you to the woman as she handed him back his daughter.
"Oh, it's quite alright," Sebastian assured her, rocking his baby softly in his arms, "I'm still quite new to this, but I'd be willing to bet that is a perfectly normal thing to go through as a does feel like I'm closer to her like this, her in my arms and such...I'll certainly yearn for this again as she grows older."
"Oh, they grow so fast," Tempeste told him, "it seems only yesterday Christa was still that small, suckling her thumb and resting on my breast...don't blink too much."
She looked over at the table, where a hand-carved, wooden frame stood. The frame held a picture, glinting through the glass. In it, was Seeley and Tempeste, who was holding a much tinier and fussier Christa. Her parents each wore a grand grin on their faces, and neither of them were even focused on the camera. Instead, their attention was all on their little bundle, snuggled soundly in Tempeste's arms, eyes filled with genuine joy.
He looked on, and for a second, he saw Ciel's face looking over Tempeste's shoulder, down at the baby. Except it wasn't Tempeste, it was him, and the baby was Selene. They wore true simpers, filled with warmth and love, both for each other and their baby. Ciel, a proud father, and Sebastian, a loving mother.
    He shook his head, and it was back to normal, feeling an empty hollowness inside him as he returned back to reality. Tempeste put a hand on his shoulders, squeezing them reassuringly, as if sensing his discomfort. He looked up at her curiously, and she offered him a kindred smile.
       "You'll miss so much if you do," she said, and he squeezed her hand, grateful for her and her husband's hospitality for him and his baby.
        'Thank you," he whispered sincerely, looking down at his cooing daughter, who was beaming up at him, playing with his fingers, holding them in her own tiny phalanges, looking at them in awe. She stared in wonder as she spotted his glossy, jet black fingernails, and she looked at her own, letting out a screech of excitement as she seemed to note in her own way, as all babies do, that hers were just like her mother's.
       Selene looked up at him, gurgling and babbling nonsense, trying to get him to understand what she had discovered, as if trying to say, "Look, Mommy, look! Mine are just like yours!".
      Sebastian chuckled, taking her hand gently in his and giving it a chaste kiss.
       "I see, my darling," he whispered at her, and she gave him a toothless grin. He laughed, which made her tinkle with happiness as well. 
       "Oh, you are such a smart and clever girl!" He cried, bouncing her on his lap, her face showing amusement, clearly enjoying the treatment she was receiving from her mother.
       Tempeste laughed as well, and Selene seemed to bask in it. All eyes were on her for now, and she enjoyed  it. Her mother, Tempeste- she had their undivided attention and she absolutely drowned in it, loving the fact that- because she did know- she took up the most of Sebastian's time, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
        'I'd better be careful,' he thought, admiring his adorable little daughter, 'too much of this and I might spoil her rotten.'
        The little demon let out a squeal, and it made him crack a wider smile, peppering her face with light kisses.
      'Oh dear,' He thought once again, 'it can't be helped. She is simply just too adorable.'

There ya go, kiddios!! I've been really busy with school, as I am a freshman in high school now, so it's a totally new experience for me. But never fear- an update will always be near! I hope you enjoyed! Comment and review please! Sayonara!

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