Secret, Sad Letters

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Back with this! (This is what Grell was telling the others about)

Ciel Phantomhive was snoring lightly in his bed, next to his wife, Elizabeth Cordelia Phantomhive, not noticing that Sebastian hadn't woken him up yet. It was way past his waking hour, but for some reason he didn't seem to notice and still kept sleeping soundly, no distractions whatsoever.
Or he had been sleeping soundly.
Maylene burst through his bedchamber doors, immediately covering up her face once she realized that her master and mistress were still in bed together. She turned red and blotchy with embarrassment as Ciel and Elizabeth yelped at her sudden entrance, a thin stream of blood slowly creeping down her nose.
"Oh, goodness I am so sorry sir, yes I am!" She squeaked, fidgeting. "I really hadn't noticed you weren't up yet-"
"Maylene," Ciel said suddenly, hushing the maid at once. "Do you know what time it is?"
"I'm not quite sure I understand you, sir..."
"Tell me, Maylene. What time is it right now?"
The maid fixed her glasses as she tilted her head up thoughtfully, thinking about her answer for a moment before answering.
"Why," she began, adjusting her glasses once again, "I believe it is 11:45 in the morning-"
"11:45 IN THE MORNING???!!"
Both Maylene and Elizabeth yelped at Ciel's sudden and furious outburst, cowering away from him a bit. He had pure rage in his eyes, that bastard....
" That IDIOT of a butler!!" He went on, clenching his fists, "always going on about what it takes to be a Phantomhive, rambling on how he is such an ACCEPTABLE Phantomhive servant, and yet, he can't even wake me up from my sleep?!"
"Um, sir..."
"That bastard Sebastian! Thinking just because I have a wife now that he can just dally and slack off-"
"Actually, master he didn't slack off..."
Ciel turned angry, piercing blue eyes to Maylene's, which were covered by her glasses. He seemed to silently seethe at her, an enraged aura seeping from his essence. They couldn't see it, but they knew it was there, and it was terrifying. Maylene gulped and pushed her glasses further up the rim of her nose.
"Are you....defending him?!" He boomed, the room rattling from his very loud in outburst.
"N-no!" Maylene managed weakly, quick to defend herself against the accusation (even though they all knew that if it ever did came down to it, Maylene would defend Sebastian to no extent), "I'm just saying it's more like he....ran off."
Ciel blinked, not quite getting it. Elizabeth did however, covering her mouth to conceal a surprised and somewhat sorrow gasp.
"He...ran off?" He asked, slowly realizing what she meant.
Maylene lifted up her lenses and wiped her eyes a bit, Elizabeth placing a comforting hand on Ciel's shoulder. "I'm sorry master," the maid said, sniffling quietly, and a breath hitched in the earl's throat, the air suddenly becoming much thicker and harder and to breathe in.
Finny and Baldroy came rushing up the stairs. "We heard yelling," Finny told them, "is everything alright?"
Ciel threw his fist down, furious at the demon for doing such a thing to him. "No!!" He screamed wildly, like a child throwing a tantrum, banging his white, clenched fists on the table. "No, everything IS NOT OKAY!!!!"
Baldroy turned to Maylene. "What th' hell happened?" He asked, bewildered at Ciel's actions. He looked around, and took note that someone was missing from the group. "Where's Sebastian?"
Maylene said nothing and handed him a piece of parchment paper, which Baldo was quick to snatch and read. His eyes dropped and his face turned even more pale as he read the letter.
"N-no way..." He choked, and Finny held in a sob, as he had been reading it over the cook's arm. Ciel stole it away from Baldo, and read it for himself, finding himself outraged at its contents.

                                                                                                    January 17th, 1894
            Dear Young Master,
        First of all, I just wanted you and everyone to know one thing: I'm so sorry.   I truly am. I can't even imagine what sort of a position my leave will be putting you all in, especially you, My Lord. All I will say is that this was necessary, and I hope you will understand one day.
      I don't expect you to forgive me, not any of you. I will understand if you're angry and upset at me; I know I would be too. But there are some things that you all don't know about me and probably never will know, and only certain people I trust with those secrets know. It's not that I don't trust you; I trust all of you, whether you want to believe it or not. However, these sort of things are very personal and unique that only someone who really sees the world from my view will get it and accept it. I'm not like the rest of you, not in the slightest.
      Something happened tonight, something that changed me forever. I met someone just like me, who got me. Someone who understood me and my differences. You need not worry; she is kind and beautiful and smart. I've taken one other along with me, Ariadne, who accepted me for who I was along with the nice girl. I love them both very much. Also, this girl that I speak of, Young Master, is very much connected to you in a sort of...special way. It's as if she is a part of you in some sort of'll understand what I mean once you meet her, if I ever get a chance to introduce her to you. You know, if you'll let me. I hope you will, Master. She reminds me so much of you.
        I must get going now; I'm going somewhere far from here. Not because I despise you...but because it will be safer. Consider this my last form of communication with you until further notice.
I'm truly going to miss you all...especially you, My Lord.
   Sebastian M. Michaelis

           "" Ciel crumpled up the parchment paper in his hands, crushing it with pure fury. "Oh, how that son of a bitch loves to try and swoon me with his petty little lies." 
         He shot out a furious hand at his servants. "All of you!" He began, determination setting into his steely eyes. "Get the Yard and assemble a search party, now! We will find him, whether he wants us to or not. It's not his choice....and never will be."~

Sorry I ended there, but I'm sooooo tired now! I will post a part two to this tomorrow probably. I hope you enjoyed this, and please check out my other two stories, Under the Full Moon and Scars of an Alpha! Comment and review please! Sayonara!

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