Boat Trips

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New chapter!
Sebastian woke up to a soft rocking. He woke up and groaned, looking around to see where he was. It was dark, with two small candle lamps illuminating the room. He a saw a smaller bed with bars, and saw Selene breathing softly, fast asleep. The demon smiled in relief and slowly stood up and walked for to her, looking down at his daughter as she slept. She tossed around gently, her feet and arms squirming as she moved around trying to get into a more comfortable sleeping position. She would let out little sounds, like suckles and tiny soft gurgles, and Sebastian would die of adorableness whenever she did.
The demon sighed nervously. There was a cocktail of emotions inside him: happiness, excitement, fright, nervousness. Selene had barely  been born a little less than ten hours ago, and already Sebastian loved her more than she could ever know. He hoped that one day she could know her father, and that Ciel would one day know about her, but he couldn't right now. It was too dangerous. Ciel wouldn't react to it well; his temper still was very much the same.
               The door slowly creaked open, causing him to gasp softly. Ariadne stood at the door, holding some food in a bowl. Sebastian had brightened his eyes the demon-fuschia they were, his pupils turning into slits, just in case of self defense. He reverted them back to normal, sighing in relief as he saw the maid.
             "I've brought you some food," she said, handing out the warm bowl to him. He gladly accepted it, stomach rumbling as he smelled the spices coming from it.
            "It smells good," he said softly. "What kind of soup is this?"
             "Butternut squash with some spices," the maid told him with a proud smile, "I made it myself."
             Sebastian took a spoonful of it and marveled at its delicious taste. "It tastes excellent, My Lady."
              "Thank you," she said. Ariadne walked over to where her friend stood, watching down over Selene with him.
              "Let's drop the formal act," she whispered quietly. " For her sake. I mean, lets still be polite to others, but let's tone it down just a touch. It's kind of butler-ish too, and if he tried, Ciel could pick you out if he ever were to come here to find you."
               Sebastian cocked his head upward a little a thought about it. "You're right," he asserted. "It is too butler-ish. And I'm done being a butler." A wave hit, rocking the boat a little too harshly, disturbing Selene. The child awoke, letting out grumpy and tired cries as she did. Sebastian's maternal instincts kicked in rather quickly, for he wasted no time gently scooping up his daughter and rocking her back to sleep.
              "I'm a mother now." Selene did not go back to sleep, but her cries did cease as she got used to the slow, steady rhythm of her mother's arms rocking her back and forth. She was then comforted, feeling safe in the arms of her mother, looking up into his deep red eyes with her own azure ones.
              Sebastian's eyes locked with his daughter's as he saw her large, crystal blue eyes peeking into his own blood red ones. He saw curiosity gloss her eyes over, wondering, feeling, thinking. She was just a baby, but she already was working her mind off in wondrous ways no one but her could ever understand. She was smart, learning, questioning everything in her path. Sebastian smiled. His daughter was going to be a little genius.
             "We're on a boat, yknow."
            "Ah, that explains the rocking..." Sebastian looked around and noticed someone was missing. "Where's Grell?"
            Ariadne shrugged. "She was on for a while, but then left. She said she would come on and check every once in a while to see how we are doing. Grell told me she left to keep an eye on the manor to see how it's going. She'll let us know if anything comes up."
           He would never in a million years admit it, but Sebastian sort of missed Grell. The way she kept on bugging him was high key annoying, but at least it meant that he meant something to someone. Maybe, if she weren't so irritating with her comments, they could have even been best friends. Who knows? Perhaps Grell could be one of Selene's aunties (he was leaning towards having Ariadne as her godmother. She was crazy, he knew, but she could certainly kill someone right dead if they ever tried to touch him or Selene. She always had a reason to protect someone. She once told him that she would protect the baker because he'd given her the best croissant she'd ever tasted in years.). Oh well. She'd said she'd be back every once in a while.
          "How far is New York from here?"
"About a little more than 1 day from now. We've been here about 18 hours now, you've just been asleep the whole way." Ariadne explained to him. Selene reached up and took hold of one of Sebastian's locks of hair, tugging on it.
"Ow!" he cried, and gently pried her demoness fingers off his silky, black locks. "Now, now, there Selene," he whispered. "Don't pull on Mommy's hair. No pulling anyone's hair, alright? It's very rude."
Selene started to cry, and Sebastian felt her bottom. He turned with wide eyes to Ariadne. "She pooped!"
Ariadne pulled out a cloth diaper out of her apron pocket. Sebastian began to undo her tiny little onesie she'd been fitted into, undoing the diaper she was wearing. Ariadne wiped off the soiled cloth with another and put it in a small bowl of water to clean. She gave Sebastian a tiny wipe, and he cleaned her itty bitty tushie. He then wrapped the diaper up on her, and buttoned up her little garment again. She stopped fussing, and Sebastian picked her up, planting kisses all over her tiny head, soothing her as she sniffled and sighed. She snuggled into his shoulder, getting used to her mother's scent, her main means of locating her mom.
"Are we on the first class side?" he asked her, and she nodded in response. "How?" he asked. "We've must have looked like servants."
"We pampered Grell up a bit in a dress and a fancy hairstyle. She told everyone she was the daughter of Angelina Durless and that she was taking her servants and infant niece along with her to New York. Worked like a charm. They didn't even blink twice before letting us on. She really is something else." Ariadne chuckled as she explained to him.
"Yes she is," Sebastian murmured, holding his daughter up, patting her back, feeling her tiny hands gripping his shoulders for comfort.

Time Skip---

         " They say that they can see the Statue of Liberty from here now, just barely."
Sebastian looked up from feeding Selene, who was happily nursing from his breast.
"Really now?" He said. Ariadne nodded.
Suddenly, the door burst open, Grell flying in through the doorway in a mass of red, long, elegant hair.
"Hello, my beauties!" she announced ecstatically, whipping her long mane all over the place. "Auntie Grell is here with some mouth watering, juicy gossip here from back home!"
"Hello, Grell," Sebastian greeted her; Selene stopped nursing and let out a tiny giggle at the redhead reaper. Grell winked and waved her fingers at her, emitting tiny spurts of laughter from the little demon girl.
             "Bonjour there, darling," she cooed, and turned back the Sebastian and Ariadne. "The whole Phantomhive manor seems to be pretty shaken up from your sudden absence, Sebas-chan my dear, especially your young master."
            "Is he really?"
             "Oh, yes he is," Grell went on, "quite angry and upset with you is he. Heaven have mercy on you and your daughter if you ever dare to show your face again. I'm betting he'll get you in lockdown just like that," she ranted, snapping her fingers for effect.
             The demon scoffed. "Well, I can't really give a damn since I have no intention of going back there any time soon."
            Grell shrugged. "Eh. He said he was going to find you. He said he's going to use the contract symbol to find you. You can't resist the call, right?"
            "I can," Sebastian replied blankly, "that's a breach of contract. If I resist enough times, the symbol will slowly fade away. It's going to be hard, however. Resistance takes a lot of work and power to do. The call is like a magnet; it draws you closer, and it takes everything in your will to resist the attraction. I'll do it though. For my daughter."
            "Oh, and he's pissed at you as well," Grell told Ariadne, who then donned a look of utter disbelief.
            "What?" She barked. "Why at me?!"
"We didn't do such a good job of hiding the afterbirth as well as we thought," she stated. "Ciel and the others found the placenta and umbilical cord right where we threw them in the garden-Pluto must have dug them up- and when he realized you were missing too, he thought you had Sebastian's baby and ran off together. He called you a lot of bad things, my dear."
"Me?!" Ariadne exclaimed, blushing crimson. "Have Sebastian's baby??!! Oh God no!!! That would be horrible. No offense, Sebs, but me and Sebs??! Doing the deed?I'm sorry but we could never bring ourselves to do that. It just wouldn't work out at all."
"None taken," Sebastian replied. "What's he doing now?"
"He's bringing out a search party to find you. He says he'll look all over England and Germany for you, then he'll go on a boat to the Americas to search for you there."
"Well, which state would he go for first?" Sebastian asked Grell.
"New York is my bet," she answered him. "Sooner or later he'll find you, deary, and when he does, it won't be pretty."
"Then we'll just change places when he gets to Wisconsin," Sebastian stated simply. "He will have to keep searching for me. I'm not going to let Ciel find me. That Phantomhive man will have to search right down to he depths of Hell if he wants to find me or Selene."
"Or..." Ariadne trailed off.
Grell and the demon looked at her, puzzled.
"Or," the maid began, "you could change your identity."~

SO HOW WAS DAT, YOU GUYS?? I made it really long this time just because I could, and I really hope you enjoyed it. Well, I'll be back soon, and update my Keyshipping story as well. Comment and review please! Sayonara!

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