When Your Stalker Sees Your Hideout-Place Ad

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       Heyyy I'm back wiv a new chapter y'all! I'm only going to get busier, I'm afraid, as the ambassadors club at my school has accepted me in. Its not a bad thing at all, mind you, but its no doubt I'll be busier than ever before. Ill try to find as much time as I can to continue with my stories.

  2 months later:

      The demon and his babe, along with the crafty wolf witch, had been residing with Seeley and his family in his inn for about eight weeks now. Life was easy for them at the moment; Sebastian having all the help he could get with taking care of Selene, the trio never having to worry about Ciel and his intentions, and other things as well.
       In turn, Tempeste and Seeley always had a helping hand around the inn. Tempeste had insisted that Sebastian and Ariadne relax instead, but they had insisted.
       "Besides," Ariadne told her. "A el le gusta echar una manita de gato*."
        The inn looked flawless within a week, and that helped Seely's business tremendously, as the customers always appreciated a clean and tidy place to stay in. However, that also attracted attention outside of the country. As many tourists came to explore what the famed country of the land of the free had to offer, the first place people wanted to go to was New York.  Put that along with the fact that Seeley's Inn was now one of the top rating places to stay in in the state, it meant that naturally, it was one of the places tourists flocked to the most. It was so successful,  Seeley had to sometimes put the 'NO VACANCY' sign up in less than a week after a new passenger ship arrived. It wasn't all good, though. These sort of things catch the attention of many ears, and some of them just aren't made for that sort of information.   

Back at the manor:

        Baldroy brought a flyer up to his master, which Ciel didn't waste time snatching away from him. He scrunched up his nose, waving the flyer in his hand, clearly annoyed.

        "It's a flyer for an inn," he grumbled, pestered, "so what? This isn't relevant to our case, Baldroy."

        "It's actually an article from an American magazine for hotels," the chef said, taking a slow puff on his cigarette. "That inn, Seeley's Inn, was not even on a top one hundreds list in the nation, much less New York. But now, business is booming all of a sudden, and its only been two months. One would think it would take a place like that a lot more time-probably a year or so- to take off so successfully like that."

        "Maybe he just got a damn good-" The Earl paused in his snide reply to look closer at a portion of the article, silently reading a few of the lines.

RT: What would you say, Mr. Bone, is the biggest factor in your sudden success?

SB: Well, as all successful businesses know, you can't achieve this sort of reward all by yourself. Sometimes, you've got to have a little help. We recently had three new clients come in to stay, and they offered a bit of advice on cleaning the inn and stuff like that. My wife and I have gained a new insight of how to run the place and keep it organized, especially from the male. It makes me think he used to run a big company of his own or something, or at least help take care of it. Especially with the cleaning; he's got a magic hand when it comes to that!

RT: What makes you say that, Mr. Bone?

SB: With regular people, y'know, it takes a while. Probably about an hour with the kitchen, maybe thirty minutes in each room doing the basics like doing the bed and sweeping the floors. Ten for each corridor, dusting it and all, and maybe a good two to three hours with the garden. But this guy, this guy can do it in less than two hours; it's amazing! He just whips by, doing everything as if it were a piece of cake! I've asked him about it myself, and he just chuckles a bit and says, "Well, I guess I just have one hell of a hand!"

RT: One hell of a hand indeed!

SB: Couldn't have said it better myself!

Ciel's lips turned up at the corners, slowly forming up a nasty smile.

"Bastard," he jeered, waving away some of Baldroy's cigarette smoke from his face. "You just couldn't help it, could you?"

"Master?" the chef inquired, concerned. "Have I done something to upset ya?"

"Quite the contrary, Baldroy!" Ciel exclaimed with a childish glee that could only be described as psychotic. He leapt up from his chair, hastily rushing to the door, chuckling impishly under his breath. "In fact, you've brought me the most relevant information regarding that bastard and his wicked lover in over two months!"

"Wait," Baldroy called out, chasing after him, struggling to keep his cigarette in his mouth, "where are you going? What are ya gonna do??"

"Have the others pack my things," The Earl shouted over his shoulder to mortified Baldo. "That careless moron should have watched his mouth, always going on with that stupid catchphrase and all...Tanaka!"

The elderly Japanese man quickly came to his master's aid. "Yes, my lord?" he asks in a respectful and calm tone, though he cannot help but be worried by the malevolent glint present in his master's eye.

"Prepare a boat reservation to New York as soon as possible! The sooner we get there, the better. Also, make inn reservations, but not to just any inn.'

"What inn in particular would you prefer, Master?"

"Make it for Seeley's Inn!"~

Looks like Seb and the others have quite the storm coming, don't they? Stay tuned for the next chapter: Will Ciel recapture Sebastian and the others, or will they escape safely and unharmed? Don't forget to comment and review, please! Sayonara!

*A saying in Spanish that means something along the lines of keeping it nice and tidy.

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