Chapter 12, Part Two

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"There are several rumors of where Witches originally came from. You see, there are records dated back in ancient hieroglyphics that they were around, some were ruling Egypt with the Pharaoh. As evidence here, we know that the Ruby Witch had surfaced in Africa as there are several old folk tales about a woman with fire hair who created blood stones. Witches have been around for longer than we can ever hope! Scholars, Historians, anybody who has ever wanted to know about the past could easily come up to a witch and ask them about the Revolution of France, and they might honestly tell you how starved the Country was, the weather the day that Marie Antoinette was beheaded. It's all fascinating that these beautiful women stay on while the rest of the world continues to move.

"Witches come and go as they please in human history. We know that there were three different witches on the English throne at separate times. Sapphire (see page 87, Ruling Gems) ruling was roughly from 1200 to 1284, Jade (see page 94, Ruling Gems) from 1650 to 1713, and then Onyx from 1780 to the 1850s. It was after the rule tyranny of Onyx (see page 109, Ruling Gems), did a law get placed in England to forbid any witch from assuming the throne again. Soon after, several Countries did the same. The Catholic Church saw its chance, and it became a world wide purge against witches (see page 133, The Great Purge). There are several reports of then trying to hang, burn, starve, even cut off the heads of witches, but the only conclusive thing is that they survived. Some said that the fire burned the people who started it, some said that water came out of the ground and threw them back. Witches that were shoved with a noose around their neck, levitate.

"Witches made the desperate bid to go to the America's, far away from where the Catholic Church hold on Europe is strongest. They branched out, went their own ways. Some went and lived with the Native Americans, and they adopted them as their Witch Doctors. Others went down into what is known as modern day Mexico, and they made their own way of living.

"It was when America started booming, did the different types of Witches became apparent. Some went on to live a leisurely life, gifting those who let them stay with them with jewels and riches. Others went on to work, creating things and building towns for others. Some went on their ways to be secluded, far away from any place that housed humans for hundreds of miles. When the American Civil War came, the richer of the witches went to the South. They supplied the South with money, jewels, anything they needed. They almost tempted France and England to join them against the fight against the North, but with superstitions at their highest they wouldn't take gems for fear that they were cursed or bespelled. On the North side, the hardworking Witches did their best supplying swords, bayonets, anything they needed. Once, Abraham Lincoln himself wrote, 'They come not from their furnaces for ore and other such needed material. Day in and day out come the ringing of the hammers, and each weapon that comes out is greater than the last. These women are greatly needed in such a battle, and I fear what would happen if we did not have them.' The war ended in 1865, the Witches making peace with themselves as the South crumbled.

"The Industrial Revolution hit. Metal Witches, which were discovered by Benjamin Franklin, were of a great help. Iron Witch (see page 449, Strong Metals) with Thomas Edison helped create the light bulb. That, along with Steam Engines, and trains. Railroad tracks were created with pure iron, due to the Iron Witch. With the Great Railroad stretching across America, people were able to come freely and go wherever they wished without taking months at a time to cross the plains. Combined efforts with the Steel Witch (see page 507, Strong Metals), both women would come together and create inventions that hadn't been thought of yet. It was later found in journals of Benjamin Franklin that the original idea of electricity and weather vanes didn't come from him, but rather the Nickel Witch (see page 514, Strong Metals).

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