{Part One} Chapter 1:

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"Yeah. Well I have to go its time for dinner." 

"Wait. Um we're having a concert in Delaware in a couple weeks. And I was wondering if you could come and watch us perform." 

"Well that depends Luke, will I get VIP seats?" 

"Of coarse. I actually want to be able to talk to you!" I let out a laugh before answering. 

"Okay well what time is it?" 

"I don't know we're in different time zones remember?" 

"Oh my god, Luke!" 

"Oh you meant the concert." 

"I'm gonna punch you." 

"Can't punch me through the phone, now can you!" 

"Just tell me when the frigging concert starts." 


"Thanks, now I really gotta go." 

"Okay bye!!!!!!!!" He shouted then hung up. 

"Carissa get in here. We're all waiting for you!" My mom called from the dining room. 

"I'm coming." I said then walked out of the room.

"So who were talking to?" My dad asked me once we started eating dinner. 

"Just Luke." 

"Then why did it take you so long to hang up and get out here." 

"Because he asked me if I would go to his concert in Delaware." 


"And I was hoping that you guys would let me go." 

"To Delaware at like 7 or 8 all by yourself?" 

"Its at 7:30. So if I take a friend I can go?" 


"Why don't you just take Robyn and Julia." My sister, Mya suggested. 

"Have you met Tihs, even if Robyn works her butt off and every single dollar used to pay for the ticket is hers, Tihs will make up some stupid crap to make her stay home." 

"Well that's because Tish-." 


"Robyn's mom is Laticia, her nickname is Tish, not Tihs." 

"Nope Tihs is a nickname for Tish. Because she such a shi- I mean crappy mom and that's how you spell that word backwards." 

"At least its the truth." My mom said. "Now was it you or Robyn that came up with that?" 

"Neither, it was her friend Allison." 

"Okay anyway, as I was saying, that's because Tihs is the laziest, stupidest, and most full of crap mom you'll ever meet." 

"Exactly. But if I can bring Julia, can I still go?" 

"Yeah as long as you both pay for your own tickets and its over by 11:00. Any later and youre leaving early. Understood?" My dad asked. I jumped out of my seat and hugged them both. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!" I screamed. 

"Your welcome, just remember if Julia's not going, you aren't." 

"I know, still thank you!" I said then sat back down in my seat and finished my dinner.

"Come on, Luke! Pick up your phone!" I said after I had gotten his voicemail for the seventh time. I dialed his number one more time. "Hey." 

"Well its about time!" 

"Um yeah sorry my phone was on silent." 

"Anyway the only reason I'm calling is to tell you yes." 

"Yes?" He asked though I cold tell he already knew what the yes was for. 

"Yes. As long as I bring a friend." 

"Okay. Well I can't wait to see you again and meet your friend." He said. 

"Good and be nice to Julia." 

"She's your friend, that gives me every right to pick on her. As long as it annoys you or makes you laugh." 

"And what if it does neither?" 

"Then I've failed in life." Before I could reply I heard Ashton talking to Luke. 

"I'm talking to Carissa. Yeah I've already asked. Why is that good? Well its not my fault that you and Calum were MIA when Carissa was talking to us. How is it my fault! No she is not. Ashton, I'm warning you. No! No don't!" 


"Okay I'm back." 

"You didn't have to hit me with my own drumsticks!" Ashton's voice yelled. 

"And you didn't have to yell in my ear." 

"Anyway I'm back. I'm glad you can come to our concert. I can't wait to see you." 

"Same here. So what was Ashton gonna tell me?" 

"Oh...um...uh...j-just...uh nothing." 

"That's why you're so nervous? Because he wasn't going to tell me anything?" 

"Yeah. Anyway I gotta go, I'll see you in a couple weeks, bye!" He said quickly then hung up. 

"Bye to you too Mr. Hemmings."

"So what would you say if I told you that we can go to 5SOS' concert in Delaware?" 

"I would say if you're lying, I'm gonna kill you." 

"Well then I guess its a good thing that I'm not lying." Once those words left my mouth Julia let out a very loud and very high pitched scream. 

"Yes, yes, yes! I love you! Oh my god!" 

"Obviously you don't love me that much if you're trying to make me deaf." 

"Shut up, I can't control my happiness. But you know what would make me even more happier?" 

"If I payed for your ticket." 

"Yes. But also if you tell me that Tihs is letting Robyn go with us." 

"I haven't asked." 

"You are the most terrible cousin in the entire fucking world!" 

"No its just you know how Tihs is, Robyn will save up enough money for the tickets and then Tihs will say she can't go and use all of Robyn's money." 

"Well you know what, Tihs can suck my dick because Robyn is going to this concert with us." 

"Okay, I'll tell her about it now." 

"See now you're a good cousin. And a good cousin makes sure that her cousin goes to the concert with her and her best friend no matter what her cousin's dumb ass aunt has to say about it." 

"Julia I get it. You want Robyn to go." 

"I'm just making sure the message got through that thick head of yours." 

"It did. And I'm hanging up now." 

"Okay bye! And don't forget you're paying for my ticket!" 

"No I'm not." I say slowly.

"Fine." Julia groans out before hanging up.

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